I have 10k battles in Naval arcade.
Over the years I played ALL vehicles. I ha d good and bad times. Very often the damage meta changed, targeting changed. Sometimes it was very annoying, but I adopted… over and over again. But this time I will not.
Now, we have Bots Battleships in the game. So in need a few minutes to kill one bot (driving into a cap for example)
So now I play 25 minutes and get perhaps 2 kills… in total. That’s FUN! So much FUN!
And rewards? Getting it up by exceeding 6.5k /10k /15k damage is nearly impossible (with 90% of the Battleships)
The balance of dealing damage / absorbing shots / (Some BBs are nearly indestructible) / Game speed / Reload / Torpedoes / Damage by Planes … is now totally screwed.
And now bots will decide the majority of games by capping while soaking up dozens of salvos.
I guess its intended that players in high tier don’t hunt bots, but instead kill each other. That is a good intention. But if I CAN’T KILL my target while shooting at it for the whole round (yes, I look at you Scharnhorst, Tennessee etc) it is a WASTE OF TIME.
And to say you wasted your time is the worst u can say about a game. No fun AND no reward!
And we all know that I waste my time right now. Giving feedback to Naval is useless. Nobody listens. New Ships/models get into the game with bugs, and they aren’t fixed for years. When HE shells get reworked for tanks and planes, but it is metabreaking in naval: nobody cares. And on and on…
is more that i like to shoot stuff … and deal DMG… I will not shoot on a bot for several minutes.
more important: u r fucked if u drive anything else, then a GOOD 7.0 in a 6.0 - 7.0 Battle. Now Everybody will target the most easy PLAYER vehicle. Because it’s EASIER to kill them than most bots.
Bots will still decide most battles (Conquest, or random caps in Domination) Now even more cause u can’t stop them all with 4-5 players on each side.
The difference between getting f.e. a BOT-Tennesse or your side or Bot-Ersatz York is huge. York is useless if u know where to shoot. While the Tennessee establishes a “no-fly zone” and is nearly indestructible
Maybe gives better rewards than killing a bot destroyer in a top tier battleship
The Bad
Bot AAA will be stronger making CAS harder
Harder in an uptier, as you may not be able to simply go for the bot ships if you are in a cruiser as they may now be in a battleship
even less rewards overall, as bots (i think) reward less than players and now they take much longer to kill
So long as there remains a decent mix of ship types, and only 1-2 battleships, unless its a 7.0 match, then it can be more. And said bot Battleships reward a decent amount, then it should be fine.
You are right. But overall reward will also be less because it’s very hard to get higher damage number now.
But just take a look at the vehicles I just play … which are the new added ones… and how they perform.
USA: -
Germany: Ersatz York. Still works fine after changes. Guns are good. U deal DMG and u can kill enemy Bots and players alike. BUT u have a weak spot (bug) and u die instantly if hit there.
USSR : Arkhangelsk:… British nerfed 15-inch cannons with hilarious spread. Pure random damage output. Kind of useless. No FUN to play
UK: Rodney British nerfed 16-inch guns without hilarious spread, yeah. Damage output random. Not able to damage a Scharnhorst, even on short range. Takes ages to reload. Good seconderys. Mediocre Fun at best
Japan: -
Italy: Don’t have the vehicle yet… all I say is: has no AP shells
France: Dunkerque. No AP shell. Armor is too weak to mess with most players. Excellent for killing cruisers/destroyers… No cruisers in most games anymore… now is kind of useless
This is a reasonable complaint about top tier naval. But not entirely sure where bots come into this?
Also, Bug reports in for British 15" guns having 4x the spread they should. I dont think there is a primary source for 16" guns yet, but hopefully will be fixed as well.
I complain that 80% of ship in top tier cant kill some 7.0 ships. So at least u could go for cruisers … in this case controlled by bots. So what shall i attack in my AP-less Dunkerque? Cruisers would be logical choice. This option is gone now. So i can deal my 3-4 assist while being usually targeted first.
It changes drastically when i play something like Scharnhorst… nobody’s even shooting at me because they know it’s useless.
So in general, compression is a much greater issue now. Everybody who isn’t steering a top-dog is suffering even more.
To the bug reports: i know they are there … since ages? How long is the HMS Hood in the game? 4 Years?
1: We all know that the gun spread is artificial.
2: for most 6.3/6.7 a lot of 7.0 are nearly untouchable in 1v1/ 2v1: the 7.0 USA BB lineup is very sturdy (Alaska is not a BB). Conte / Novo too. British ones (Barham, Rodney) too, ok… Japanese are not that hard targets. The Kaiser (6.3!) does not go down easy, buy 11/12-inch guns.
In older metas u could kill them by plane. But this option is gone too. That would leave Torps: but hey we have insta targeting on boats now
Yeah, I had read the changes, but didn’t think much of it, just figured there’d be more games quicker, likely with more bots. Imagine my surprise when I pop a booster, and queue up with one of my 6.3 heavies that I’m trying to get spaded out, and lo and behold, there’s a whole bevy of BB’s, and not just the few players, but all the bots too. And bam, ammo racked by a bot not a minute in…
I think, this recent change ripped the little bit of “fun” there was right out of arcade (which by definition should be?!, at least to some degree)… not a fan.
It’s a mess. Bots give out less rewards so it’s not worth it to churn out a bot BB only to get so less, so you’ll find yourself focusing on cruisers. But from my experience getting a kill out of a bot cruiser is hard now as well because the kill gets taken if you don’t have fast firing guns.
The changes in regards to populating matches are quite helpful. It’s nice to not have to wait five minutes plus to get into a match.
Yeah bots have less rewards but if this can get more people playing Naval then everybody wins.
I haven’t tried top tier since the change though, I’m just working on spading La Galissonniere at 5.7. I’ll head back to 7.0 after I’m finished and report my experience.