Naval Arcade (hightier) died today with new Bots (battlships)

Apparently bots do not have less rewards at all:

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Seems like it’s possible for both Arcade and Realistic players to benefit. It’s not a zero-sum game.

If u all stop playing RB and join arcade there would be no bots at all at any time of day, no?

Nahh, it only goes one way:

Navyfield > World of Warships > War Thunder Arcade > War Thunder Realistic.

Once you get some realism in those veins, you can’t go back.

They do. Bots in naval get a 0.3x modifier on both score and SL earnings for kills and assists.

Because score (and RP) are mostly determined by damage (440 base score points for a destroyer due to damage), not the kill reward (30 base score points), there’s not much difference there. For SL, 25-40% of the game reward is due to kills and assists so a 30% reduction there on bot kills can become noticeable.


You better go tell @Stona_WT that he’s wrong then…

Many people did already, I’d read down the thread and look at the example screenshots people have posted of kill SL earnings on bots vs humans. His own screenshots just talk about the score-based damage awards, which are a function of score, refracted through the “battle activity” and “activity time” mechanics.

What he’s missing is the “pop up” SL rewards you see on your screen when you get a kill, on top of the score/activity mechanic. While it varies widely, the pop up SL amount if it’s a bot is 30% of what you’d get if the same ship had been human-manned. It’s not hard to test yourself, just watch those SL popups when it’s a human and when it’s a bot.