Namer 30 - General Discussion

The photo shows that the Merkava armor is made of cardboard.



If the armour material can be identified with the naked eye alone, then the armour composition of M1 is also composed of cardboard.


What I see on that picture is a SIDE armor module that withstood an anti-tank missile and protected the tank and crew successfully…

And that’s a side module, which is smaller and lighter (less dense structure) than the turret cheek wedges or the front hull.


I’m pretty sure thats the vent leading to the Radiator…

Nope not the vent, Look at the placement of the turret relative to that, Its too close to the center

Good point… The image unsettles me nonetheless, though too be fair it looks like it didn’t go through very far

By the way, can we increase the number of missiles by the number of long nails MR carried by the infantry squad?

Yes it may have worse speeed and mobility but the protection is WAY better. You are never gonna neglect as many shots with any of the merks compared to the T-90A. (yes im including the Mk.4

and the protection is KINDA lacking compared to the T-90A

That might aswell be an issue of era not beeing displayed accurate in game.


Armor is quite litterally the only advantage that the T-90A, the Mk.3 Merkavas are quite litterally better in every other regard and thus shouldn’t be at a lower BR than the T-90A.

Tbh id rather have the WAY better protection with a simmilar speed (the exeleration indeed is a bit worse) and a SLIGHTLY worse round at 10.7 then the over tiered mk 3 merks


I would rather have 5x the reverse speed, better reload and better gun handling than some armor with still pretty easy to hit weakspots.

Hell if I had to choose I would pick my Merkavas over the T-90A every time.

They are just different kinds of vehicles.

Merkava Mk.3 is a glass canon, while T-90A is a heavy hitter.

You may consider T-90A’s weakspots to be easy to hit, but consider Merkava Mk.3 is a weakspot on its entirety!

I would also say T-90A’s 2nd gen thermals are an advantage over Merkava Mk.3’s 1st gen ones.

Still, I think their current BR placements is just fine. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but Merkava has slightly more potential if used correctly, while T-90A may be more forgiving.


We have kind of moved away from Namer discussions.


So can the turret cheeks but only hardened Merkava veterans would know that. In nearly 3k kills in the 4M I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen it. Always because you don’t live long enough to experience it most of the time.

I’ve never had that happen, but then again, it’s hard to have anything blow off because a sneeze shatters the Merkava 4 to dust.

Who would have thought mid 2000 composites could actually be regarded as better than early 80s chobhum? Not gaijin apparently as were still stuck with all nato composite screens being 0.1 ke at best.


If NATO composite were better then hard bread then Gaijin would have to raise the Ground BR ceiling which it seems they are allergic too.


Just a reminder that Rubber-Fabric screens offer more protection the composite screens.

Majority of composite screens are RHA-Rubber sandwiches yet offer less protection then Aluminium/Rubber-Fabric.

Composite sides ont he challengers are described as having ceramic inserts, proceeds to provide 30mm of ke from a 200mm thick screen…

I don’t know what your talking about, there’s 170mm of air in there. thats why its only 30mm KE. /j

The audacity the Lead designer dimitry has on joking about useless Spikes in the devblog makes me so angry, he is the person in charge he could change that so making it useless on purpose and then laughing about it is so f…n ridiculous im out of words.