My torpedoes dont seem to do anything

I play alot of Air simulator battles and alot of the missions there have enemy naval vehicles, when i go to take them out with torpedos, i drop the torpedos and they seemingly just vanish, im at the right altitude, the right speed and within the right range, but after i drop them nothing seems ot happen

Been a bug for a very long time. About half torpedoes seem to vanish even though drop parameters were perfect.


Had this issue couple months ago, did some googling. Fount this guy claiming that ports have invisible torpedo nets so that is why you cant hit some ships.

I’ve seen that claim before (and suspect some similar bug/protection with static ships in naval battles). It’s most noticeable with static targets, because you can be pretty sure the aim was right, whereas no hit on a moving target is easily put down to a miss. However, you can see if your torpedo is running and I’ve had perfect drops where the torpedo just disappeared into the water and didn’t seem to run at all. Whenever I’ve seen a torpedo running nicely and heading towards the target ship it has always hit, so I’m not sure about these torpedo nets. However, it’s been a while since I used many torpedoes, precisely because they’re so random.

I think that that statement is true. Yesterday i played some B7 on English channel i had 100% hit rate with torpedos, but on Denmark in that cove in E4 where two destroyers and port point are 3/4 torpedos vanished after traveling for about 100 meters, no detonation or anything trail was visible and just ended. That one hit since i dropped it in less then 100 meters away from destroyer. I might actualy try test to hit some targets in open sea on Denmark day after tommorow to see if it is map problem or this thing exists.

That’s (most recent) where I couldn’t see my torpedo after making a drop where I’d had plenty of time to run in with ideal speed, height etc. I had plenty of success in the past with torpedoes on English Channel and don’t recall any failures when attacking the carrier from head-on.

Accepted, but it seems not fixed yet.