My solution to uptiers, crazy math!

It was an assumption since you lied last time.

Cheat - “act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage”
Bushes are allowed by the game’s TOS and are available on all game clients so hence are not a cheat.
You are (I believe deliberately) confusing this with the “pay 2 win” concept.

I covered a range of games played before and after the post.

So you will use your brain to point out the flaws in my method but not see how your method has the same and more flaws?

I planned to do 17 (to poke fun at your first claim of 17 full uptiers) but when I checked the next day there were 2 more replays uploaded.

I only included matches where you connected to the server there were a couple games where you were allocated a team but never connected inorder to spawn in. Otherwise I can’t tell the max br of your lineup.


Additionally there’s a hard cap on the number of players at tier for a battle- 4 per side. The remaining 12 or so could be anywhere from .3 to 1.0 uptiered.
Additionally, there’s a significant fallacy in claiming uptiers happen too often (surprising that even a supposed statistician is fooled)- if everyone is always uptiered then really no one is. If we say uptiers are almost all the time, while the battle might be BR 6.7, the vast majority of both teams, so also your opponents, are 5.7. This is a much preferable alternative to the other end of the spectrum, where uptiers are infrequent but when they happen you are the singular punching bag uptiered 1.0. It is so much better to have a small number/chance of some more capable vehicles in a battle than to have a small number/chance of some outmatched vehicles.

From my perspective - it’s the full BR uptier that happens too often.

Should be around 25% since 1/4 of the tanks are top. I get it a LOT more than that. 6 months ago I kept track of all my battles and it worked out to be closer to 45%. That’s just too often.

And as I stated above - there’s no need to force a full BR. There are plenty of players. The full BR should be the maximum, not the default. Can’t recall ANY battles I’ve been in where there wasn’t a full BR.

And therein lies the problem. Uptiers feel more common than they really are- it’s negativity bias. The problem isn’t uptiers themselves but your own flawed perception of the game.

Not sure what you are saying.

Are you saying my math is wrong? That after adding it up I didn’t get a full uptier 45% of the time?
Or are you saying I’m lying?

Either way, believe it or don’t believe.

Small correction…this^^ is only true IF the 5.0 tank is THE BEST tank on your lineup. If you decide to use a 5.0, but have a 5.3 in the lineup it is NOT a full uptier. Not sure where you are making your mistake…perhaps this. 17 FULL+1 uptiers in a row would require a MASSIVE dose of bad luck…it is like a Big Foot…nobody ever seen one, but lots insist it exist…

Wrong. You have 4 options:
5.0 to 6.0 (when you are top tier)
5.3 to 6.3
5.7 to 6.7
6.0 to 7.0 (when you are bottom tier)

You do have a chance to see enemies from 5.0 to 7.0 on some of the four options above. Even lower if somebody decides to use a lower tank on a higher lineup…someone can add and use a 1.0 tank to a 7.0 lineup.

See my 2nd post from Jan 13… where I admit I was wrong - R-O-N-G - wrong - about the 7 groupings.

(and I do understand about what a full uptier is wrt my garage)

I still think the forced full BR should be changed.
Should be maximum of 1 BR, not the default.

Uptiers are caused by your line up and other players line ups.

Someone is always trying to get an advantage so they put a high tier vehicle in the line up.

That causes everyone to be uptiered.

One should play with an even BR line up.

I often play my German garage at 6.0 / 6.0 / 6.0 … still get uptiered facing 7.0

I can play with my highest tank at 5.7 or 6.3 or 7.0… I still end up fighting 6.7 or 7.3 or 8.0 more often than I should.

Plus many countries don’t offer the ability to play an even garage - unless you go in with just one or two vehicles that actually have the same BR rating.

I don’t believe it’s my garage. There’s some hidden mechanic that does it and I have no idea what it is.
But I do know it is very frustrating.

Me and my squad mates have started calling these matches “one-and-done”. We take out 1 tank and when we die we are out. And most of the time it’s pretty fast because we are constantly facing russian under tiered BS.
So we set up a back up line up and jump into that. We found out that US 7.0 get’s a decent amout of .3 under top tier and some times a full down tier. Still, .7 under is still the most frequent with that line up but it’s managable.

Being fully up tiered should be just as rare as being in a full down tier. Most of the matches should be equal around the mid tier. That would be balanced.

But then again, Gaijin couldn’t balance a working gyroscope it my 12 years in the game have taught me anything.

Thanks for clarifying so your error can be fully pointed out. I told you that I limit my full uptiers to two in a row. I define a full uptier to be when my top tiered tank is 1 full br lower than the top tiered tanks in the match. After two I bail as soon as the map and spawn points are revealed and move on, and I continue to bail until it is at least just a partial uptier where only half the tanks are higher br than mine. What you are looking at is a sample that doesn’t include many many battle where I bailed because it was the third, fourth and fifth full uptier in a row. Of my last 20 battles I had to bail 9 times. Again not sure why you want so desperately to defend the tier nonsense. Either a vested interest in the game (dev team) or you run top tier and benefit from 3/4 of the tanks being a lower tier. Maybe there is another, I would love to hear it. The facts are facts, there is a variable we are not aware of that causes drastically more uptiers for some. Maybe you don’t fit into whatever category they have built into the game, but it definitely is there. So to clarify, your sample was very flawed, and you stopped when you got the desired result. Typical abuse of statistics. My final semesters highest level class was on how statistics are abused, and poor sampling is the number one way.

So I ran a sample. I ran 25 assorted matches for 5 different days. Each 23 was fairly consistent. For clarification I consider each match either a full uptier (the lowest br in the match), a partial uptier (the second lowest br in the match), a partial downtier (the 2nd highest rank in the match) and a full downtier (top br in the match). The end results were as follows: 59 Full uptiers, 31 partial uptiers, 19 partial downtiers, 16 full downtiers. Each 25 match sample from each day consistently had mostly full uptiers, and the least full downtiers. The percentages are crazy, 47% of all matches were full uptiers. 72% of all matches were some sort of uptier. I was unable to get a long string of full uptiers like I had before, with the most in a row being 5 three times. If those who doubt the results I have the date and time of each sample and you can pull all of my matches if you like. The fact is as I stated before, it is not random, there has to be another variable. I certainly am not the best player out there, but I do fairly well in most uptiers as long as I have mods to have shells that can pen. The time the uptiers are most noticed is with new tanks, because often it isn’t worth playing if you cannot harm the other tanks. Takes all skill out of the game. What this information does I don’t know, but I was frustrated enough to put this time into it. Gaijin probably won’t disclose the other variable for fear of it being exploited. Maybe some of those here denying there is a problem have already discoverd the exploit. Next mission is to see if I can find it. If I do I will share it here. As always, HFGL

I think I may have found the missing variable. Had a good couple days, two nukes in two days. Since I have 31 matches, and only one isn’t either a full or a partial uptier. It may never stop because I decided I am bailing on every uptier until they make it fair. Fortunately I like to check out sports cards on ebay, so as I cycle through matches bailing nonstop I am doing that. My son got me into this, and he and all his friends have quit because of the matchmaking and the cheats.

I believe that you understand stats. But this isn’t a stats issue. The issue here is that you just don’t know BRs and matchmaking work. They are not evenly distributed. Certain lineups for certain nations at certain BRs will get disproportionately more uptiers that downtiers based on what other people are playing and what vehicles exist around it, and other lineups for other nations at different BRs will get disproportionately more downtiers for the same reason.

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You missed how it happens. I am literally using all 10 countries all at different brs. When I bail out of a match I can’t just jump back in, so I go down the line. It is absolutely impossible for the matchmaking to not have another variable, and I found it. Play well, uptiered. Considering going about 20 matches without taking a shot to prove the theory. If that isn’t it, there has to be another factor because this has been my experience at all brs with every county since I learned how to tell what br the match is. It is ok, I simply cycle through now. I refuse to play any full uptiers anymore as it is just laziness by the dev team to not make it more fair. So now I surf Ebay more than ever while waiting for a fair match. :)