Due to the high number of similar threads i recommend using this template. A structured request increases efficiency and effectiveness to the next level.
So if your account got banned - consider trying this:
Introduction (use both):
- I have been playing wt since ____ (insert year) without having ever used any kind of forbidden mods / cheats.
- Why would i risk my account being banned due to such cheats? I invested ____ (insert invested real money) in wt - so cheating would make zero sense.
Possible explanation / why the ban is not justified as (chose just one):
- I was abducted by aliens some time ago and it looks like they extracted the wt login data from my mind. Maybe their attempts to play wt triggered your anti-cheat detectors. I would never cheat on purpose.
- Since my last transaction with a Nigerian prince (i tried to help him) other strange things happened to various other games or accounts, maybe i got hacked. I would never cheat on purpose.
- I caught my stepfather / mom / older or younger sibling on several occasions using my computer without my permission. Maybe they are responsible. I would never cheat on purpose.
- I have a very bad internet connection, maybe the artificial speed boosters were falsely classified as cheating software. I would never cheat on purpose.
A heartwarming plea for a ban revoke rounds this up:
- I kindly ask you to revoke this ban as it is obviously a mistake by gaijin, simply because I would never cheat on purpose.
- Even if it turns out that a 3rd person used a cheat on my account - i am innocent as I would never cheat on purpose.