Music playlists?

Share your fav war thunder playlists below!

massive fan of swing myself with the lower ranks


I am usually hear engines of the enemies or focusing to the sound of the battles but if you have no clue what listen just now, take here some inspiration ;)

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Man that’s an eclectic playlist .

I actually find I play better sometimes by putting some tunes on and just shooting what I see. I think about it less and worry less. I know you are not supposed to but oddly it can work.

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Thanks, it takes about 14 years to make it where it is. Anyway time to time also listen some vibe and play, but i am old so i more like focus to things which happen and sounds around me instead of listen hehe. I am pretty bad you know, so i have focus to one thing instead of listen and play badly than usual :D

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Its weird but after a drink or two and the music on I just drive to the action and just keep moving, I can never tell where the hell anybody is even by listening, even with headphones on. Might as well bang the Rammstein on and go by sight :)