The 530F are unreliable yes for being pulse missiles not CW, so it makes it way more vulnerable to chaff, and it lacks a LD(Look Down) capability so the missile can go crazy if the target is too low(not talking about multipathing when you lock go slightly under the plane and the missile hit the ground, i’m talking about the missile just not tracking or going to the moon), gaijin implemented again a chaff filter that 530F should have that make it way more reliable now since if you maintain lock it can try to reacquire target, which helps with rear-aspect/side shots when it go for chaff it can reacquire the plane again after the chaff leaves the sight, still not reliable but better than before.
Gonna try to explain to the best of my hability and experience in game, keep in mind that first i’m not a radar expecialist nor english is my best language so mistakes could happen and everything i’m going to tell is based of my experience and other friends playing the game so it can differ to other players
You see even if the 27R/ER has Data Link that make it able to change information with the launching aircraft that for the sake of simplicity i will say it’s the MS(Mother Ship) it’s still a CW missile so i will try to use your own drawing to show
As you can see in this scenario(i’m suposing, since position, direction and speed can change but this help visualize what happened)
it’s possible(even more if the seeker isn’t direct pointed at the target) that the seeker acquired other target inside the CW illumination cone generated by your plane and go for that target even if you lock another one(F-5 in this case) this can happens even more when on the moment of the launch there was another target way faster inside the seeker cone(this is what makes sometimes the 7F/M miss on a joust since the 27ER speeds so much is possible to 7M to acquire the ER as a target then readjust for the locked plane) there is 2 solutions in this scenario, when the missile lock another target and go for it, solution 1 is to try to remove the other target from the CW ilumination cone moving your plane nose where your radar is for it( this can backfire and also remove the main target from the missile seeker so it can’t go to the “new” target neither the original target) or unlock and re lock the target this will kinda disable and re enable the CW ilumination and makes the missile go for the locked target(missiles that can relock of course) in any case the missile will lose energy and momentum going for another target before going for the target you want, you can’t use this to purposely target multiple planes since you can’t guess if the missile is going to target or the speed of the non locked plane, but you can accidentally kill 2 people with 1 lock and this is kinda funny.
This behavior is what allows F-4E to use the 7E2 effectively without having a PD radar, since even if you chaff after launch he can keep the chaff locked but also keep you the target inside the illumination