Move VIDAR to 9.3

pbv 501 is good enough.
plus, sweden has sav201248. I reached kd 2 and win rate 65% quite easily with sav201248 and swedish sherman, despite that I didn’t really spend a single second learning about the characteristics of these two vehicles.

And in reality most artillery vehicles in this game should have Gps assisted rangefinders.

its a 155mm HE with laser range finder.

cant argue with that though, the Pbv 501 is a good light tank, the trade-off for the missile is worth it. The SAV is OP

sturmtiger does not have lrf. nor does M109, or 2S3.

So the problem you have is with the thing getting a LRF, that most other tanks have at the tier. Only difference is that the VIDAR has a HUGE profile, and have the crew sitting far apart.

especially when they decide to move bmp-1 and type 86 to 8.0.

Yea, the Pbv 501 would do fine at like 7.0 - 7.3 tbh

the problem is, VIDAR is not just “a tank with lrf”. it’s a 155mm howitzer with lrf.

Yea, if you hit its a kill, unless you get gaijined and bounce, or the opponent absorbes the 155 shell(cough, cough Bmp-2s)

Every vehicle in this game can get gaijined, you know… things like a T-62M1 killed by Gepard from the front or T-80UD and L2A4 crew killed by 7.62mm MG

Yea, i once got gaijin by shooting a bt-7 with the Spj 150mm and it damaged his optic

Gaijin moment.

Like most HE slingers careful aiming can result in overpressure of any vehicle in game. This isn’t unique to the Vidar. The laser range finder and thermals are special for an HE slinger but even then it doesn’t have a stab, meaning it would get clapped by anything that does, especially by more mobile top tier vehicles. Hence why I think it would be best to put it at a br were stabs are common but thermals aren’t.

until we got sinai peninsulaed and get sniped by vidar one after another? already deadly enough in normal maps, any sniping map would make it a disaster.

Well yeah all the other tanks that fight the Vidar currently don’t have thermals, laser rangefinders, or stabs. They have literally nothing over the Vidar. And isn’t sinai peninsula like a really high br required map? I haven’t even got it below 10.0. And on top of that the Warrior, JakPZ, and a multitude of other vehicles have thermals and laser rangefinders (with NO stabs) in the 8.0 br bracket and are just fine.

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The vidar has no stabiliser, its gun traverse is quite poor infact…

155 HE and laser rangefinder = Br 9.0

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8.3~7 max, it would be unplayable at 9.0

I don’t know what the games will be like in Br 9 and how it would affect this SPG, but having a laser rangefinder gives it too much potential. If they removed the laser rangefinder, the Br 8.0 would seem reasonable to me since large caliber HE projectiles are extremely powerful and nullify the armor of any tank, no matter how resistant it may be.
I like realism in everything, so when I started using the German M109G(Br 6.0) I decided to use it with the M41(Br 6.7) and the M48A2C(Br 7.7), since they are tanks that were in service together And to my surprise the M109G performed perfectly against tanks up to Br 8.7, even winning a game by killing 11 tanks with the M109G, many of them with Br 8.0 and 8.3 and without losing the M109G. That’s why I say I believe that the vidar in Br 9.0 would not be bad, because if with a howitzer with a slow bullet and without laser telemetry it faces tanks with much more Br without problems, the Vidar that has the module that every howitzer would like to have can do much more. be very effective, the laser rangefinder.