Move VIDAR to 9.3

I would argue that 1. Its profile 2. The reload speed 3. Idk the fact it is the Only vehicle of its type so far in the game. And its a premium…

If it’s unplayable, why would many use them in 10.3 and 11.0 matches?

M109G would require some skill, though.
and that’s the problem with VIDAR: it has lrf. and better survivability. and shell velocity, thermal and other stuff.

can you one shot kill a T-72B obr.1989 with Warrior or JakPZ from front at 1200m distance?

And apart from that, the vidar has a trick, apart from its good bullet, it has the initial bullet with low speed, which is much more difficult to hit but has more drop, so by adding it with the laser rangefinder you can make shots with total precision behind uneven levels. of the terrain without being able to shoot at you.

Honestly, not even that outlandish of a take. Its got an insane round, insane reload, for a howitzer, and THERMALS. if a m18 had thermals, it would be at 7.0 or even 7.7. Absolutely ridiculous. I could see if they would remove the thermals but they just wont.

With the JakPZ easily yes. With the warrior its also a yes but it would be more difficult to hit the drivers port or lfp at such a distance after the atgm changes but you can cut clean through the non era covered parts of the cheek instantly disabling him while taking out one crew. This means you can kill him with your next missile.

Another topic where whiners are crying for nerfs, with no actual data, no sources and no stats posted to show how it is overperforming. Apart from hurt feelings of course.

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I wondered if Gaijin deliberately overpower Premiums so the forums are filled with people proclaiming how overtierd and good they are ,so more people buy it thinking they are getting a legal cheat. Gaijin either leave it or wait until the cash is in the bank then jack it up.

there is certainly some bias towards Premiums, while they already are cheaper (repair cost) then their TT variant. just look at the Turm 3 and TAM 2IP. Turm sits at 8.3 with stabiliser and rapid autoloader and 30mm Coax. TAM 2IP (9.0) was for a very long time same BR as TAM, while being way better and getting DM33 (105).
Turm III could easily be 8.7 and TAM 2IP can go to 9.3.

how long did it take them to up tier IS-6, object 279, 2s38, Turms, etc.

i know Gaijin needs to make money, but now playing anywhere near te 9.0-3 bracket, transports you to Premium land with an infinite supply of 10.0-3 premium vehicles.

maybe 8.7?

Yeah, 8.7 is where I would put it in RB, gets it out of the 7.0 range. In AB I would put it down to probably 7.7 or 7.3, thermals/lrf arent as useful there.