Move up the PzH2000 already

Yeah. I think the PZH 2000 should be fine at 8.0, with the VIDAR maybe going to 8.3.

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where ever you put them they will perform the same every 12.0 game there are at least 2 of them
farming “skill matters”

True, though you have to take into account responsiveness of vehicles too.
Leopard I, for instance, is way less responsive to incoming threats than a Leopard A1A1.
It’s much easier to shoot a PZH when you have a stabilizer, LRF, and 24 degrees per second turret rotation speed, than not.

That’s why it’s generally easier for SPAA (like the Falcon) to clap 7.0-8.0 light tanks than clapping 8.3-9.0 light tanks, and why light tanks at top tier are generally inferior in most cases to MBTs (other than in an extremely successful flank). Just that the difference in responsiveness (mobility + versatility + gun handling) between low tier lights vs low tier mediums / heavies is far greater than the responsiveness between top tier lights vs top tier heavies / MBTs.

I can see Type 90s ending up in the same spot as CV90120s , for example.
I probably won’t see a Tiger II (H) end up in the same spot as an M18 hellcat, as another example.


I can agree with the PzH getting a slight BR increase, especially if it receives its missing features especially its SAP. But I don’t understand the hate for these vehicles (and seemingly not the PZL05?). No stabilizer, huge target, no armour. Sure, LRF, but that’s why these vehicles are ~0.7 above otherwise essentially identical counterparts, let alone ~2.0 above the most basic counterparts which still perform essentially the same role at mostly the same efficacy!
And it’s not even like LRF is some super-weapon. There are of course the famous examples of the Ikv-91, Type 69, and ZTZ59A, but at 8.3 and 8.7 LRF becomes increasingly common and by 9.0, where you’d have the Vidar, essentially every vehicle has LRF with the notable exception of the poor A1A1. And unlike the Vidar these vehicles aren’t limited to HE from an unstabilized cannon mounted on a tank with maximum 40mm armour.
And that’s not even getting into ATGM vehicles, generally superior snipers.


Let me introduce to you our Lord and Savior, the 5 holy HE! (Or HESH or HEAT or HEAT-FS, whatever tickles your fancy)
If you’re complaining about killing a tank with essentially no armour and are only packing solid shot that’s 100% a skill issue.

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They’re annoying to face, and they often have unique features that other tanks don’t/rarely have. For example, the Vidar has an LRF, the Pzh2000 has a very fast reload, the PZL05 has spall liners and others are at lower BRs.

They simply just one shot everything, and make armour useless. Other high penetrating tanks often have terrible post pen damage, while HE just instantly kills you, and they make playing a lot of the iconic WWII tanks way worse because the older tanks can’t do much against them. Artillery tanks can also perform much better in uptiers because their gun will never be bad.

They’re also incredibly common (except the PZL05), which increases the amount of dislike towards them.


I think wait another year until it got change because gaijin wouldnt change a vehicle BR when it was only release like a year ago

Maybe the Artillery tanks have the same problem as the first 2s38 model. They don’t have enough module’s to effect them.

imo they simply shouldn’t survive most shot’s that pen them, or they should at least disable them to get another shot off. (Basically, they are true glass cannons.)

Looks like they are adding another one which is the Msta-S

Way to clear mr/ms hull down

Personally, I think the PZH2000 is okay at its br, (mostly because they didn’t give it thermals thank god). Although, the rate at which it fires can be a dealbreaker. For example, lets say Im playing the chieftain mk3, and I see a PZH2000, I fire, but do minimal damage. The 5 second autoloader of the PZH2000 can really mess up the chieftain (the chieftain has a 7.5 min reload, and can be above 10 seconds if you don’t have much crew skill.) Even though the chieftain is not the most vulnerable to HE, given the chance you can overpressure the chieftain fairly easily.
Same goes with the vidar, but this time with thermals and even better mobility.

I feel that the bad turret traverse of the PZH2000 makes it “fair” at 7.7, but should definitely not be able to face other SPH’s like the G6, which has a much longer reload, is massive, and does not even have an optical rangefinder. This area is still extremely compressed and should definitely be rebalanced with future updates.

Bro APCR is way worse. You first need to hit the canon to be able to survive and then you need 3 more shots to didaple the crew. He is way better because most tank habe the samd weak spot.

Another “skill issue” person that doesn’t know what he’s talking about (not surprising)

HESH has been dead for a long time and most tanks that have it also have a longer reload
HE is useless unless it’s a nuke shell (go on, play Caernarvon and load up HE shells and see what happens)
HEAT-FS rarely causes overpressure, M103, which has a big shell, struggles to cause spalling and also has a long reload, which doesn’t make switching ammo a reliable strategy (in 17 seconds the battlefield will change drastically)

Creatures like the PzH2000 and VIDAR have between 30mm and 40mm Rolled homogeneous armor and High hardness rolled armor, not Aluminium alloy, like the Fox and XM800T. And light vehicles that have High hardness (BTR-80A) are extremely thin 10/8 mm on front and side. Plus, these demons, also get strong roof armor. The VIDAR is straight up 35mm (more than soviet heavy tanks like the T-10M) and the PzH2000 has 60mm composite armor plates all over the roof.

That means they cannot be compared to the rest of the light vehicles that can be penetrated by a HMG. Even small autocannons will struggle to pen these death boxes and when they do, it’s for minimal damage so field surgery must be performed

The KV2 and FV4005 (before gaijin ruined HESH) were imo the only balanced nuke guns. One is extremely slow with decent armor, the other has very poor turret armor with mediocre mobility and both have half a minute reload.
Adding demonic boxes with armor that is immune to HMG and resistant to small autocannons with the mobility of a MBT and 6 sec reload one-shot cannon has been a grievous mistake

So please, never again give some AI generated advice and call skill issue in the same sentence

Well, guess you can lead a horse to water but can’t make her drink. You can take action to rectify your skill issue, or you can keep complaining about a solvable problem. Your choice, but I’m out of this lost cause. Have a pleasant day and see you on the battlefield!

Brother, Before Gaijin ruined HESH Kv-2 didn’t have hesh it’s had APHE and HE Gaijin wants you to think those HESH and HE shells are the real KV-2 loadout but there not, GAIJIN for ABJOLUTELY NO REASON REMOVED APHE FROM THE KV-2 And don’t tell me 150mm ish APHE shell pen in 3.7 with a 40 second reload is unbalanced

don’t like dying? unfortunate. death is part of the game. you’re the type of person to play all apcr/apfsds and then complain when your shells do nothing against artillery because you refused to pick up HE.

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Brother, Before Gaijin ruined HESH Kv-2 didn’t have hesh

I know KV2 doesn’t have HESH, i was only referring to the death star since it can only bring that

don’t like dying? unfortunate. death is part of the game. you’re the type of person to play all apcr/apfsds

Nice scenario you made up in your head, unfortunately i wasn’t complaining about dying and your assumption is wrong. All my MBTs carry some HE and ATGM rounds and i still bring some HESH when i play tanks like the Conqueror, even though i know they are useless (plus long reload). Even my T92 carries some HE rounds and they only have 800g of TNT (basically confetti)

So why are you even here? Did my thread upset you and you felt the need to get a W? Do you need your hand held with more op tanks?

Still not even close to fear what both of HO-RI’s make… I face any of those HE slingers instead of those 2 unkillable fortresses.

Ok, still VIDAR is more broken , since it has better optics vs pzh2000