Move up the f14A iriaf or reduce the range of the fakour90

idk man ive hear similar things


Yep, Aim-7, Aim-120, R-77, Skyflash, R-24R, Aim-54, F-90. All of them i can readily defeat, even with BOL chaff which is nearly unusable at the moment. But R-27ERs… 100-200 large chaff from a Tornado IDS, nothing, just ignores them all, even with the missile at 4 oclock and me flying below 30m. I get hit everytime without fail.


Just notch and fly low its not hard man

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I think the main thing the gives the r27er its lethality is the combo of using the more powerful plane radar rather than weaker onboard radar, iog, and the ability to relock.

One way i got longer range kills was to get a quick lock to fire it. Then i would drop the lock and let the iog do its thing with maybe 1-2 quick locks mid flight for course correction. Then i would relock as it got close.

It is rather insane. Only thing I can think off is that I am defeating the radar lock but because im in a bus, the IOG is just maintaining the guidance onto me, where something like an Aim-7 would loose the lock and go for the chaff.

Rather annoying.

stat cards says that the fakour is worse than the phoenix a even though it maneuvers better

stat cards are worthless, never use them for anything

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i know but thats the first thing ppl look at

blame snail

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Stat card overhaul, for both weapons and vehicles, is really desperately needed


dont worry i do

hehehehe, don’t make me get the cursed image :P
(And yes I know it’s technically an F-4B with an Aim-54A but still lol)


Patch ‘some random numbers’
F6F-5 Hellcat: AIM-7 Sparrow has been added.

did I got your joke bud? XD


Anyone else see the F8F-1 at 4.7? Crazy.

yeah crazy good dogfighter at that br idk why they did that

It’s not actually thaaaat crazy. The the .50s over the 20mm have a very noticeable difference.

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It is under BR’d RN considering compression, especially seeing the new stupid Ja37 and things like J8F/Tornado a single BR up.

13.7 lol? This is a joke, right?


please use the search function:

was already a topic opened…