Move up the f14A iriaf or reduce the range of the fakour90

But 12.0 and 11.7 are not having armement close to what the F14 have lmao. ARAAM carrier should only be seeing ARAAM carrier

That’s why they’re 11.7 and 12.0, and not 12.3/12.7.
F-4J has identical weaponry to that of the older F-14A, just a worse airframe. F-4J is 12.0 currently.


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AIM-9H and AIM-7F, the best weapons on the standard F-14A as that doesn’t have Fakour 90s.

That doesn’t mean

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Me in my ICE that can spot a Fakour coming from 60+ km away.

  1. By judging that I am up high and contrailing (on purpose)
  2. My RWR CONSTANTLY beeps an F14 off my nose
  3. By the freaking contrail heading my way
  4. By my own TWS showing me a target thats coming at me at over 700ms closing.

Solution: I turn cold for 5 seconds. Done

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Meanwhile the missile im having most issue with is the R-27ER still. That thing doesnt seem to be chaffable at the moment. Can we nerf that missile instead

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That not a solution and considering Russian top tier atm , yeah no. Decompression would be better than nerf this or that

No sir.
F-4J can’t mount the AIM-54A Phoenix
and also can’t access 20mm M61A1

Even if you claim ‘Phoenix’ a useless weapon as AIM-7D or AIM-9E does
Still, the F-14A don’t have ‘identical’ weaponry compared to the F-4J/S

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Which doesn’t matter cause the AIM-54 is inferior to the AIM-7F.
The context was meta loadout, which sure I should’ve specified, but it was always the meta loadout.

How people keep dying to fakours before even seeing the enemy is beyond me

from what i heard i dont know much about fakours but why is the aim54c under performing reduced smoke burner and 20 g overload ???

Same. I can defeat most missiles except the 27ER. It just DOES NOT care about anything I do

ER really needs to get looked at ive seen documents that suggest it only does mach 4.8

I’ve heard similar reports before. it is VERy important that I mention that I am reciting this from memory, from some dude on the forum here. Nowhere do I claim this as absolute proof.

Something to do with Gaijin doing a calculation wrong potentially. the ER and ET have a sustainer motor so it has X thrust first for N seconds and then it has a sustainer with less thrust (Y) for longer (M) amount of tim
Except Gaijin, apparantly, does thrust = X+Y for N+M time. instead of sequentially.

idk man ive hear similar things

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Yep, Aim-7, Aim-120, R-77, Skyflash, R-24R, Aim-54, F-90. All of them i can readily defeat, even with BOL chaff which is nearly unusable at the moment. But R-27ERs… 100-200 large chaff from a Tornado IDS, nothing, just ignores them all, even with the missile at 4 oclock and me flying below 30m. I get hit everytime without fail.


Just notch and fly low its not hard man

I think the main thing the gives the r27er its lethality is the combo of using the more powerful plane radar rather than weaker onboard radar, iog, and the ability to relock.

One way i got longer range kills was to get a quick lock to fire it. Then i would drop the lock and let the iog do its thing with maybe 1-2 quick locks mid flight for course correction. Then i would relock as it got close.

It is rather insane. Only thing I can think off is that I am defeating the radar lock but because im in a bus, the IOG is just maintaining the guidance onto me, where something like an Aim-7 would loose the lock and go for the chaff.

Rather annoying.