Move up the f14A iriaf or reduce the range of the fakour90

The f14 iriaf at the moment is performing really well, even after it was moved to 12.7, as it is fair that the f4 ICE is at 13.0 only because of its AIM-120 l, the f14 iriaf should be 13.7 only because of its missiles, they have 60 or more KM of range and above all they have the engine that stays on for a long time allowing it to maintain the speed and strength to go very far with a lot of speed and in a short time


ppl still cant into notch…


Exactly, also because the moment the RWR plays after 5 seconds you are already dead with no chance to avoid it

60 CMs, a horrible RWR and only rear aspect IR missiles and you think this thing is on the same level as the F-15E?



Other planes are 13.3/13.7 without that they should be there, I don’t see why not to put the f14 that would be able to perform well if used with a minimum of head and with hands and not like now that it is enough to launch the fakour wait a few seconds and “aircraft destroyed x3/4”

are you flying mig-23 at high alt with max speed?


i would rather just fakour nerf and go down because i find the IRIAF literally unplayable now


Low altitude mig29/su27/f15(the most easy one) and other high tier platform

Also a nerf of fakour is the perfect way to balance it

You should look a little harder.


Would have the damn thing nerfed or decompress it so it doesn’t just wipe the floor in everygame it in.

Please move all personal arguments to PM going forward. It would be best to not go off topic for this thread.

ppl still complaining about a mid (at best) plane just because It’s American is comical.


TBF, the Fakour is supposed to have less range than the Phoenix, yet ingame it’s just vastly superior in every way lol.

Had two odd instances of fakours not giving any RWR warning before hitting since the most recent update.

Based on what?

Sure, move the plane with only 60 countermeasures, AIM-9P, 2xR-27R, RWR that can’t detect a Mig-23 to the 13.7, super balanced… Learn to play friend, Notch exists and is there to be used, you are the one who needs correction in your gameplay, the game does not need to correct anything in this matter to improve your play style, and no, there are no vehicles in 13.0/13.3 without Missiles of all aspects.

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Its the same as saying the grippen should go down the 12.7 because it only got 4 amrrams and you can just notch bro…
If its that easy. The F14 isn’t the only plane with only 60 cm there are way more with even less cm and you ask them to “just notch bro” wow what a funny person you are.
I’m not supporting it to go to 13.7 but even 13.0 would be to low for it. More drcompression is needed as always

It is not about the jet , it is about what it have, also funny how bro gotta jump straight to personal insult instantly

BR decompression is sure as hell need , moving it up is not a bad option but clearly no one want that. So BR decompression is desperately needed

Gripen has AIM-9M and AIM-120B (RB-99), infinitely superior airframe and more than 640 countermeasures, do you really want to compare an aircraft that really deserves to be in 13.7 with an aircraft that is almost unusable After launching your 4 radar missiles? You talk as if 4xFakours were 4 guaranteed kills but they are not, and it is not being funny, it is being realistic, if you can’t defend yourself by doing a basic maneuver, what are you doing in BR 11.3+ then?

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