Moments of Valor: Argentina

While they likely are only doing it once a year. Every country will likely get one just takes time.

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Woah hold it there brother. I’m not mad about Argentina nor anti Argentina just mad that they are getting stuff the last time they did this.

And also it’s a public forums m8 I can share my opinions : )

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That song slaps… XD

Don’t get me wrong but yea it’s is cool at the end of the day, they are giving nations that aren’t a sub or a independent some love and attention.

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I mean Argentina invaded the Falkland’s and they lost so I get where he’s coming from.
As making Valour out of a major defeat is kinda weird.

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Judging by the behavior of a few Britons, I doubt we will ever have an event related to the South Atlantic conflict.


just annoyed they swipe this song off of spotify every few months and then you need to find it again, still don’t know why they remove it

That’s not a biased opinion, the majority of the people who live on the Falklands identify themselves as Falkland Islanders. Neither British nor Argentinian. Before that stupid war occurred. You had a ton of different nationalities live on the island and while they mostly retain their citizenship from the other countries. Chances are they didn’t see themselves as such.

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Who knows.

Im fairly certain that is wrong. Many of them, if not all, consider themselves British. it was a key point of the war.

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It’s on there rn. It’s under a podcast, but you can still add it to playlists

It’s tricky since this article is being interpreted with 3 mindsets.
Argentina->Lost->Dumb video
The UK->Won->Change Video
My interpretation of the video was more toward the young individuals forced to fight the War, rather than what they were fighting for. Since a lot of those were people only around 18->20. So extremely young. Forced into something that was nothing more than deception and lies due to a crappy puppet government and a military that did not have the industrial capabilities to maintain, upgrade and effectively combat what was essentially a ragtag fleet with a ton of vessels put back into service once retrofits were done from being formally mothballed.


None of this has anything to do with July 9, 1816. It seems time to close the thread.

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Times change. People change.
I doubt they want to still consider themselves in any official sense British or Argentinian knowing both governments had a major conflict which still is seeped into the Islander’s memory. Since those ruins still never left.

Officially yes they’re British. But it was not the point I was making. Anyway good day.

The video they made doesnt either, they made a video about the argentinian defeat in Falklands war for argentina’s independence day from the spanish. Its almost like they are laughing at the argentines.

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I’m pretty sure the video was literally praising the defenders and their valor and bravery… Might just be me

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It’s a very good silver lion printer.


I know, I would have done it differently.

however, I can’t blame Gaijin for giving my country more representation. Besides, the video sends a very emotional and important message, both for Argentinians and Britons.
I can tolerate that on our holiday, an emotional recognition is sent for war veterans on both sides.
It’s a shame that not everyone respects that.

I meant in a more general sense, and also sarcasm does exist. You can see what i’m saying though, on a day the argentinians are celebrating, Gaijin have posted a video about a crushing defeat they were handed, where thousands of them were killed, because at the time their unelected facist dictator sent them to die to distract people from the suffering he was causing. Even if the video is praising the individual bravery of specific soldiers, there are better times to talk about it.


Air AB, RB and SB? How about uses in ground RB/SB? It doesn’t say “air battles”.

And yes, a tracker in-game like other achievements would be nice for these.