Mitsubishi F-2

Yea, even with AESA because AESA doesn’t matter gameplay wise, aside from situational awareness with TWS, when the aircraft can only use sparrows that have no datalink. You can notch the sparrows and fool them with chaff, even if the main aircraft radar doesn’t lose lock or isn’t affected by multipathing.

Yea. Given that Fox 3 will be an update of its own and bring aircraft that heavily utilized them, I feel that something like the F-2 coming before Fox 3s, especially since the early variants didn’t use them, would be something to bring to the game before the big Fox 3 update. Since for Japan, that update would be mostly focusing on the F-15J.

Don’t quote me but last I heard, ESA radars like PESA/AESA offered multi-target capability with Fox 1 missiles, so there would be some gameplay differences there in that it could use multiple Sparrows at once. You pretty much already have Pantsir in-game with PESA being capable of guiding multiple missiles at multiple targets.

i think incase of AESA, they can change the frequency of each antenna (i think)
so i doubt you can notch the radar it self since having 5 to 10 of those antenna with different frequency locking on to you. not sure if the sparrow can be chaffed though(if this is true)

what i was thinking was more like aesa would be stupidly good with radar missiles and it could aswell introduce features such as multi target detection with high precision allowing for stuff such as seeing the targets position and getting more of a “flanking” position with the info of all the targets

yeah i can see that. but i don’t think the current AirRB would give any advantage for it since the map just basically a straight tunnel where people just doing head-on.
probably very useful for SB or GroundRB where any aircraft did not get any UI indicator.

Maybe, but I don’t think Gaijin will introduce those mechanics immediately. Even if they did, guiding multiple sparrows wouldn’t really be an advantage since sparrows will still get notched/chaffed/multipathed.

The AESA radar probably can’t be notched but the sparrows own seeker can still be fooled like they are currently.

With ARH + datalink it’d be good as it could guide the missile to the target pretty reliably until the missile uses its own radar. I don’t know if missiles with datalink still take information from aircraft after they use their own missile radar to track targets, but if they do, then AESA would be more helpful.

In terms of sweeping, it’d look like this I’d imagine:


But I think otherwise it won’t change the meta or anything until AAM-4s.

specially for guided air to ground weaponry since AESA can multi lock with high precision onto ground targets and in air there is a possibility if you wanna flank hard with a plane but this is more situational in AirRB being much more useful for your radar missiles since now low flying wouldnt work against this

if im not wrong this is the principal concept of datalink share info between the missile and aircraft so a special chip does the calculus and then gets a much better route for the missile to guide

That makes sense when it’s guiding through TWS but I don’t know if when the missile gets within range and uses its own radar to track, if it just ignores the aircraft data since it doesn’t really need it anymore until it loses track somehow.

if we are talking about AAM-4 only the AAM-4B was equipped with an aesa radar inside altough im not sure if the AAM-4 was equipped with a radar, but as for the AAM-4B it can fire and forget if needed since the radar inside allows it to keep a keen track on a target and due to it being a micro AESA radar its not like you could use conventional methods to decieve it from going after your juicy radar signature

Yea, I’m talking AAM-4A since AAM-4B is F-2 Late thing with J/APG-2.

as for the AAM-4A idk if it was ever equipped with a radar in the first place i need to search about it but funny enough if the AAM-4 ever comes out its probable that the british-German-French-Italian Meteor gets added aswell

AAM-4A should be equivalent to AIM-120Cs so whenever they’re added. Then again AAM-3 was added pretty early so who knows.

Well the thing is that AAM 4 is much better that Aim 120’s due to it’s inner functions and the motor it uses that allows it to go mach 4 with no problems and also it’s insane manouvering capacities

Which means it probably won’t come till the second round of Fox 3s. Kind of like the AIM-9M showing up for a while and then the AAM-3.

It’s more of a BVRAAM really the engine of the AAM 4 is that of a Meteor so in reality so it’s not an AMRAAM So expect this comming at best 1 update after Fox 3 but who knows maybe we get this early



i thought thats the BVRAAM thats being developed in the picture

No this is the BVRAM

Isn’t this just an AAM-4B?

The one in the other image was the JNAAM, an attempted joint project by Britain and Japan to mount the AAM-4B seeker to a Meteor missile.

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We might see it earlier, similar to how we got the AAM-3 this early.

The AAM-3 was added with less maneuverability and worse IRCCM to give Japan a missile between the AIM-9L and theintroduction of AAM-3 equivalents like the Python 4. I can see them doing a similar thing for FOX 3 missiles.

Then again in the FOX 3 update we’d probably just see an F-15J MSIP with AIM-120B/C-5 instead.