Mitsubishi F-2

For the ten thousand time; the Block 60 is not and will not be equivalent, the F-2 is not a simple F-16C, not only because of an AESA radar, but also because of a completely new and own airframe and custom FBW. Now stop quoting me and others when you have nothing constructive (or fact-based) to say.

…and stop editing or deleting your posts when you realize that you are wrong about something and don’t know what you are talking about; and no, AESA is not a filter like MTI as you recently claimed.



I agree of course, that we don’t need an F-16AJ when we had an XF-2A if it meant waiting till this Sept update. However, by the F-16AJ devblog, they seem to want to introduce the F-2 production first. In addition, the devblog is worded as “will come in the next few updates” which depending on your definition of few, could be as soon as this update (which we know it’s not coming) and maybe up to next march update.

It might be a tight spot for British tree whether they get another amraamTornado or protoTyphoon, but the topic still remains regarding the addition of the rumored Gripen being added to having parity to the Mig-29SMT by this year, and I would think the prototype F-2A could be a suitable equivalent for Japan, but it would probably subject to balancing (partially due to the lack of tangible information) by the devs to bring it in line with the purported Mig-29SMT/F-16C/Gripen/etc meta.

I personally consider “few” as five major updates, F-16AJ was added (incl 2.29 now) three “majors ago”.
So December / Early 2024 is possible, but I guess Gaijin said that to calm down the hype a bit ¯\ _(ツ) _/¯

They could also add AAM-3 for AJ to keep it up the rest for the time being. With G limit gone the AJ is pretty agile and has sparrows having AAM-3s will keep it pretty competitive.

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Honestly I’d rather they get to the XF-2 or F-2 quickly rather than prolonging it’s inclusion by upgrading the already controversial and paper AJ.


I’m glad you agree with me that AESA is not just a filter like MTI.

IMO F-15J is around the corner, and the F-15 can have AAM-3s & 5s, along with AMRAAMs & AAM-4s…

F-16AJ is YF-16 Japan Demonstrator just renamed.
Also there are no IR-missile only XF-2s that I’m aware of.

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Yeah agreed but we know gaijin is holding back any kind of F-2 right now. Upgrading the EJ Kai and F-16AJ with AAM-3s will at least ensure they are competitive untill the F-2 and F-15Js arrive. My idea is more of a short term one rather then long term if you know what i mean.


I’m certainly not an angel but let’s discuss this outside of the thread as it will only lead to a flame war.
The F-2 will come to the game eventually… meanwhile I’m still waiting on word back for my FOIA stuff that I put in for the XF-2. Hopefully it is here before it comes to the game so less fixing needs to be done thereafter.

While I can understand why you might be frustrated and how certain posts came across as quite terse, I think calling him a Japan hater is a bit much, and I certainly don’t think he’s trying to antagonize people.

He’s actually been very helpful towards the effort of getting the Japanese tree some quality fixes.

I think some deep breaths may be warranted here, if that’s ok for me to suggest.


My guess is AESA later next year, and we’ll have F-15J this year to hold us over for a long time.
F-2 is one my most anticipated additions, and knowing that it’s superior to F-15J tests my patience for its addition.

I just want us all to get along.
Like I’m sorry to Ares if I said anything that upset him.
That didn’t warrant him accusing me of being dishonest & unwilling to learn; I took that as a deep insult because every waking moment I have I use to learn new things.

I don’t want him upset. I don’t want anyone confused.
I just want to share my love for F-2 with the man that clearly made the topic.

Removed my dumb post.


I’m not sure why the F-15J would take priority though or be there to hold us over. IMO, it’s a sidegrade compared to the F-16AJ and X/F-2A. Similar to how the EJ (not Kai) is a sidegrade to the F-1 (flares or not).

Given their wording I think the production F-2 will not take over a year from the AJ’s introduction. Now it’s speculation to assume that F-2 production won’t take longer than a year from AJ’s introduction. However, if true, that leaves us just 3 major updates till we hit March 2024. Assuming XF-2A isn’t going to be a squadron vehicle and is coming before the production F-2, then it has to be at least late Oct or December update.

The ways it might work out (given the above speculation):

  1. XF-2A Oct, F-15J Dec, F-2 March
  2. Nothing Oct, F-15J Dec, F-2 March
  3. F-2 Oct, F-15J Dec
  4. F-2 Oct, Nothing Dec, F-15J March

However, if that speculation is wrong, it is likely that it could be like this:

  1. Nothing Oct, F-15J Dec, Nothing March, F-2 Mid-Late 2024

No.5 would seem like the defacto route you’d expect Gaijin to take given previous track record, but that was before the F-16C Block 50 showed up. Now I feel like they are working hard on radar mechanics given up this update has beefed up radar in prep for (we assume) Fox 3 and who is to say they aren’t also working on AESA/PESA as well.

I hope for No.1 as that gives us all the toys quickly in a feasible manner, but realistically No.2 or No.5 seem the safest bets.


god forbid Japan or any other minor nation gets anything better than the Big 3 before they do.
We were the first to get PD SARH missiles (F-4EJ Kai) and it made us noticeable as an actual competitive opponent to be wary of.


F-15J is flat out superior to F-16AJ, while inferior to X/F-2A due to the normal PD radar.
I doubt they’ll introduce 13.0 for F-2, then backtrack to add F-15J at 12.3.
Especially since October is looking like the air update.

Personally I don’t think one will be outright superior and instead will complement each other. For both aircraft from early to late versions we are looking at different capabilities with similar loadouts but both would still be really good aircraft.

The F-2s will have superior avionics and radar plus other advance systems, it will also be maneuverable but it will still fall behind greatly in the performance department especially top speed.

The F-15Js will be older but still powerful radar same or slightly better weapons loadout especially in BVR (if using AMRAAMS could use up to 8 of them) superior performance and still be somewhat maneuverable. But will have older avionics and while the radar is powerful it is no AESA.

Once F-15JSI upgrades are done I’d argue it will be superior to the F-2.

Yes this is my current prediction and what I expected but

This is probably more likely.


Yea, I’d definitely say the F-15J and F-2 are good in their own right.

In air RB, the F-15J is most likely superior to the F-2 just because of the meta there where it’s more about how many missiles you can carry and the F-15 would have acceptable flight performance to still not be useless after (unlike the EJ Kai currently).

Meanwhile the F-2 is more of a dueler which would excel in ground RB (where I mostly play), dominating any aircraft in a 1 vs 1, provided you don’t fight too close to the battlefield and get shot down by SPAA and be effective anti-CAS. It’ll be strong in air RB too but easier to get 3rd partied there if you try to duel.

That being said:

I think the AJ would be a good analog to the F-2 in my comparisons. In other words, the AJ is best in ground RB right now as a dueler (which also has decent CAS capability too). Similarly, I think the AJ would be better than the F-15J in ground RB as well. In air RB, sure the F-15J would most likely have fox 3s and that would be for sure better.

This all changes if F-15J comes with AAM-3 though. Then yea the F-15J would beat the AJ in most cases.


Added XF-2A Late F-X radar suggestion


Love to see the Sparrow on the outermost underwing pylon. It’s on page 3/40. Does it cite any sources at the end or something like that?

A source for what exactly, that specific picture? It only shows the credit for the photographer who is Yaso Niwa.


As a Japanese player and an Avid Korean Tech Tree fan I would love to join the discord