Mitsubishi F-2

Well F-2 is unique in that the only thing making it 4.5 gen for WT is the radar. Otherwise it’s more or less a better F-16C Block 50. In addition, AESA is already modeled with the ASRAD-R many years ago.

With those being into consideration, I think any time honestly this year, which we have 3 more updates.

Considering Germany also needs a Gen 4 Fox 3 slinger with is most likely going to be some Eurofighter, I would expect the latest to be this December.

Asrad aesa seems more like pesa, it’s just fast like the pantsir, there’s no multiple beams coming from the radar

The ASRAD has an AESA, it doesn’t seem that way, as the beam changes target point every 0.123 milliseconds. It scans 8100 such target points in the 360° search pattern.

Pantsir also can scan super fast just like asrad, but iirc, aesa has a control unit on every t/r module to create tons of individual beams

Do we expect them to model AESA any differently, at least initially?

Gaijin has free reign to do what they want. Just look at how they handled the AAM-4, for example.

Sad going through this thread seeing everyone talking about AAM-4 when it is now in the game and is just a copy pasted MICA with twice the weight and a max effective range of about 15km lol

It is now “better” than that in that it’s a copy-pasted AIM-120A that’s heavier and a little less maneuverable.

But yes, it just goes to show that we shouldn’t expect AESA or really anything to function remotely accurate to IRL because at the end of the day it’s a game and anything goes. All that is to say, F-2 could come anytime now, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Why is everyone so convinced Thailand is coming as a new subtree to Japan? As far as I can tell squadron vehicle nations don’t really transfer to becoming a subtree (India for UK, Swiss for Germans, Turks for Italy). Isn’t there a chance for SK subtree for Japan, or am I just delusional?

South Korean players really don’t want to be added to japan due to japan’s actions towards their country in WW2. IIRC the Thai subtree was confirmed already.


So, supposedly ARH missiles stop DL as soon as they go pitbull (or even switching modes from TWS to says ACM or HMD mode) and never go back to DL after they lose lock, relying on IOG. I haven’t gotten a chance to test it thoroughly but, if true, means that the fears with AESA are unfounded. Sure AESA radar would let you find targets easier and keep them on scope but as soon as the ARH goes pitbull, it’s back to a normal PD seeker and will be defeated just like any other ARH missile.

The JASDF arrives in Australia for Exercise Pitch Black 2024 with F-2s



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as a japan main i would by i dont have discord idk maybe next year when im in high school

For what it’s worth I got confirmation from a dev that this is the case: Modern ARH (FOX 3) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion - #569 by k_stepanovich

In the game for fighters with multi-target attack capabilities (right now these are fighters with ARH missiles with datalink) missiles no more receive target position via datalink after target track lose, even if the target track is re-established. So there is no way to switch from “IOG+DL” to “IOG” and than back to “IOG+DL”.

So something to note when “AESA making radar missiles too strong” gets brought up.


If you keep datalink active until the missile hits, never breaking lock, this mentioned limitation shouldn’t apply. So once AAM-4s get their combined datalink/missile track guidance AESA would give them a pretty notable advantage.

That being said this feature is not in game yet regardless and even for AAM-4 datalink automatically turns off once the missile starts tracking, so currently aircraft AESA only matters until the missile seeker activates, which wouldn’t have too much of an impact yet.


Not the case if the missile tracks something like chaff. As soon as the missile switches to TRK on a target it thinks it sees, DL is permanently turned off. The aircraft might keep sending DL signal but the missile overrides and ignores it.

I’m not sure if the AAM-4 specifically has something different but I wouldn’t expect it to be modeled unless all ARH missiles utilize it.

Which is pretty much less than 16 km, generally speaking. Even if target doesn’t chaff, once it gets close enough it’ll find the target and lock and lose DL.

Only the AAM-4B would change this dynamic but I think it’s safe to say we won’t see that for a looooong time.


It doesn’t in game, but since it’s a defining characteristic of the way AAM-4 works I’d hope it would be added at some point. I hope this is not bound to “if all missiles get it” unless those that do really have such a feature, otherwise that would be like giving all tanks stabilizers or all jets afterburners, it simply wouldn’t make sense.

For now, yes. But I hope once we get more advanced ARH missiles they look back at AAM-4 and rework some aspects that need fixing, namely the guidance and acceleration/speed.

Then again I hope we get F-2 first, as I don’t think Gaijin would allow it in game if the radar can give complete DL guidance to AAM-4. (Though early F-2 with J/APG-1 radar wouldn’t have J/ARG-1 either, which would mean no datalink for AAM-4 at all)


It’s more likely something that will come way after the fact as a QoL feature.

Yea I’d rather have the F-2 first and upgrade it later when other nations get something similar. We’re already overdue for it since it’s just a better F-16 and we already have that flight model in thanks to Gripen and soon also J-10A.

The radar is the biggest thing Gaijin has cited for not adding it yet and yet with ARH it won’t currently be any better so really F-2 could be added any update.


Although the Fictional-16AJ suffices in terms of cas, Japan is the worst nation cas-wise, it has a whopping ZERO guided bombs of ANY kind

It really should have GBU-8s. I don’t know how they forgot them, they were advertised in the brochure and are found on other F-16As in game anyways.