Mitsubishi F-2

Which should be soon rival with Magic-2 if Gaijin ever fixed those.

@warhead_beast @asd072
Sir, please don’t derail this discussion with provocative language.
This is about Mitsubishi F-2, a jet Ares, Firereid, & I have been anticipating for years.
If you treat Mitsubishi fans this way, it doesn’t help discussions.

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What you are saying is correct in the sense that some country will come out on top, but when the Soviet Union becomes the top, it is almost always implemented with capabilities far exceeding those of the other 9 or 8 countries. Simply put, Soviet OPs are characterized by being large and lasting.

R-27R/ER beeing the only missles with IOG, Datalink and SARH homing beeing a good example


Is the capability being described not just datalink? That’s something other missiles will have when it comes, I think saying it “too good” is a bit silly. (and also plenty of nations get too good missiles and vehicles, this is neither new nor unexpected)

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@Nagisei, Wiggles289 owns the book if you need more


What’s this in response to?

Also yes, I’ll take as much info about the F-2 as possible. It’s my favorite aircraft ever lol.

Some of the original designs of the F-2 or FS-X





Man, something about the lack of elevators in the rear just look fugly to me lol. I do love that wing design though.

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Yeah its pretty clear they were interested in a “EuroFighter” like design at first

Wasn’t it you who asked me to post it here if I find proof that J/APG-1 can scan ground? In comments under F-2 post on reddit. Unless it’s someone else with your nickname lol

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Oh, are you Anko072? If so, yea.

Air and Ground/Sea simultaneous searching/tracking ^^

世界初!! 複眼レーダー

World’s first! Compound Eye Radar

F-2のレーダーは “複眼” です。小さな目がたくさん集まったトンボの複眼のように、超小型のレーダーを数百個も並べて、ひとつの大きなレーダーとしています。その一個一個をコンピューターで操作することで、電波の方向や強さを自在にコントロールでき、広い範囲をすばやく警戒したり、高速目標をとらえる能力が従来のレーダーより大きく向上したのです。またこれにより、空中と地上の目標を同時に探ることも初めて可能になりました。
The F-2’s radar is “compound eye”. Like the compound eyes of a dragonfly, which are made up of many small eyes, the F-2’s radar is made up of hundreds of ultra-compact radars arranged in a single large radar. By operating each of these radars by computer, the direction and strength of the radio waves can be controlled at will, resulting in a radar that can quickly warn of a wide area and has a much better ability to detect high-speed targets than conventional radars. This also made it possible for the first time to search for targets in the air and on the ground at the same time.

It is capable of simultaneously tracking an acquired target while keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding area. Another major feature is the ability to simultaneously track different types of targets, such as aircraft moving at high altitude and at high speed, and naval vessels at sea.


Right, forgot I have different nickname here, silly me

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I don’t think this was anywhere on forums. Basically all the stuff F-2 use

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Missing the AAM-5, but it’s still a decent infographic.

ASM-3 too. I think I got this from one of old vids about F-2.

from here?

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Could be

Is it safe to say this could of been a modern J7W1 as well?