Good blog post that shows all the different systems and weapons and upgrade plans
Hey I’m interested in the discord.
PM me if needed!
UPDATE Suggestions now open!
Added F-2A late suggestion
Added F-2B suggestion
Added F-2B R2-D2 suggestion
One more F-2 suggestion sometime this week, cuz I work on something, but too early to talk about it ))))
The sooner we get to BR 13.0 aircraft the sooner we can have this baby.
Yes! though curious if we might see an XF-2A or early F-2 with sparrows by at least next year?
That’s still an AESA radar so eh… probably not.
BUT, F-2 will be the first AESA radar aircraft in-game so… a lot to look forward to.
*Added F-2A early suggestion
@Fireraid233 F-2A Early no integrated infrared AAM-5 & active radar homing AAM-4. Is it true ?
And J/AAQ-2 FLIR pod. it’s targeting pod ?
Its true.
J/AAQ-2 is a FLIR pod, no targeting pod.
I think it’s good because gaijin might not ready modern all-aspect IR AAM-5 & ARH AAM-4 this year
J/AAQ-2 FLIR pod look alike LANTIRN AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod
Not even a next year thing in regards to AAM-5.
Are you sure modern IR AAM AAM-5 and ARH BVRAAM AAM-4 gaijin consider this year ?
As I said in my previous statement, modern IRCCM missiles are not a this year thing.
We’d be lucky to see R-73A on a 12.3 Mig-29.
You guess BVRAAM AAM-4 basic coming to 2023 or 2024
AAM-4 should come with AMRAAM C, PL-12, etc.*
The asterisk being on heavy platforms.
F-2 will likely have it when it releases.
I wish I could accurately guess F-2’s BR. I just know it’s gonna be at least 13.0.
So I hope F-2A late with IR AAM AAM-5 & BVRAAM AAM-4/AAM-4B and 13.3 battle rating in rank IX
We cannot accurately estimate AAM-5 BRs currently.
F-2 at 13.0 for example would be without AAM-5 at the least.
And it’ll depend on how effective the ARHs do on whether or not they’re more powerful than expected.
And there’s no hint at a rank 9 currently. If rank 9 happens, it’d probably be gen 5 stuff.
You sure 4+ gen & 4++ gen fighter aircraft could at rank 8 like 4th gen fighter aircraft ?
I’m not sure about this. Why is that ?