Mitsubishi F-2

“Since the AESA (or PESA) can change its frequency with every pulse (except when using doppler filtering), and generally does so using a random sequence, integrating over time does not help pull the signal out of the background noise”

This video is a good example of pulse difference between AESA and PD despite being a joke

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Gaijin doesn’t have to model it though, especially initially, was what I was referring to.

That will be just a fucked up PD radar then. I don’t have much expectations but that will be low even for them

Well that is what I expect since having a radar that doesn’t even ping you would be pretty strong in the game to the point that I don’t think they could ever add AESA unless there’s a way to detect them.

You still detect missiles and see aircraft

It’d still be super strong to be able to track targets without them knowing about it.

Right now it’s mostly a case of pros and cons. You can use radar to find targets but it also alerts them that you exist. If your radar now doesn’t ping RWR, you gain a lot of situational awareness and have no tradeoff. Just a straight upgrade. Maybe they will implement this since it’d be the only aircraft for the time being with it and it’d be limited to sparrows which I’d think still trigger RWR.

We probably will get eurofighter with AESA somewhat the same time, no reason to add F-2 without ARH. I have no doubts we will see F-2 with AAM-3(we already have) and AAM-4(very similar to AIM120) and at least basic advantages of AESA(And also disadvantages such as only about 60km max scan range)

They might add F-2 before other AESA just because it’s the first AESA production aircraft. Outside of AESA, there’s nothing special with the F-2, especially without ARH. If F-2 didn’t have AESA, it would have been in the game back in September 2023 with the F-16C Block 50.

They also have a good incentive to split the F-2 into multiple variants. They’re already doing that with the F-15J. If they do an XF-2A or F-2 early, then it’d definitely not come with ARHs and in that case. Stuff like the EFT with ARH would outclass the F-2 without ARHs, which makes the best time to add the F-2 early would be before ARHs. Then it’ll have some time to shine before F-15J MSIP with ARHs and then F-2 late after with EFT and the rest.


Will be earlier. The first CAPTOR-E AESA was fitted just a few days ago

With the program in Germany and Spain taking even longer there is no point to introduce 2024 aircraft with a 2000s aircraft

AESA should have no problem being detected by RWR in STT or CW Illumination modes.

While the AESA is in search things might get complicated, but that depends on how exactly J/APG-1 is set up.

Range is erratic. One LPI method is to reduce power. This will make it seem on the enemy RWR as if it were further away than it really is. And the range would change often.

Type is unknown. The radar switches frequency and tries to match itself to a different radar maybe. One second you see a Su-27 on the RWR, the other it’s an F-5 and the next thing you know, there is an F-2 next to you.

Different waveforms. Depends if the J/APG-1 is capable of that. Instead of radiating a sine wave you can radiate some random (not actually random) shit and use computing power to make sense of it. (

Idk I’m not a radio technician but in War Thunder it may be good to have J/APG-1 with no LPI capabilities and J/APG-2 later with full LPI.


To be fair, date of introduction isn’t generally factored into when or if something is added, just capabilities. However, I do agree that there’s no reason for the EFT to be added at the same time as the F-2 early as the EFT would outclass the F-2 early.

That’s interesting and good information to know, thanks!

I don’t think it’s fair to compare an AESA fighter like F-2 to an AESA+IRST+MAWS+LWS fighter like the Eurofighter. To boil them both down to just being AESA fighters isn’t fair and dismissive of other factors.

The F-2 is gonna be in a weird spot because of the capabilities it has, and lacks. I think it will have very lethal ordnance but weak self-protection. Gonna feel like the MiG-23M when it was first added.

Yeah it’ll be awkward to balance it and we may see more done with F-15J. And why is the AAM-4 allegedly weighing 222kg but only having a stated range of 100km? Something is off.

What is the sources?

Not sure where 100km comes from though but the weight seems accurate though this is for AAM-4A not sure if AAM-4B is different

Seems like AAM-4B is only marginally heavier


Can you expand on what you mean by weak self-protection?

Compared to the F-16C, it’d have the same number of countermeasures (120 flares/chaff, popping 2 at a time so mixed is 30 pops). Unless we’re comparing it to say the Gripen with its absurd amount of countermeasures lol.

I presume it’s maneuverability will be at minimum like the F-16AJ but realistically better? since it pulls more Gs and has more wing area.

I have no idea about their RWR but I’d assume it’d be better than J/APR-4 and actually pick up the K band for stuff like the Pantsir.

Overall, at least for the F-2 early, I think the deadliest part of it would be (if modeled) good TWS that doesn’t ping other RWR and smokeless AAM-3 (for ground RB/sim). Otherwise being stuck with sparrows, and only carrying 4 AAM-3 max means it has the same firepower as the current F-15J. Meanwhile the F-16C can carry 6 AIM-120s or 6 AIM-9Ms.

Will it be that more awkward to balance?

I feel like it’s more of a case of modeling the AESA radar that’s holding up the F-2 at this point. Considering how in-depth the existing radar mechanics are, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re taking their time and trying to do due diligence, even if the final result on initial release is far from actual final state of AESA.

He’s referring to the so far not found lack of MAWS, LWS etc…

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Ah, I see. I thought there was something else that I didn’t know about that was unique to the F-2.

Yeah…i have been trying to find if they do have MAWS at least but its hard to tell