Mitsubishi F-15J

F-15J access domestic JASDF 4th gen IR AAM only and it’s enough

Unlike russian 3 aircraft access R-73. I won’t gajin armed AIM-9M on F-15J

Why F-15J is almost 700 kg lighter than F-15C?


there already is the F-16AJ so I don’t think you should really bother about something like that


interesting, I guess it is because the Japanese stripped most of the electronic equipment down, which the F-15C has, or it’s just that they ***** up the numbers

They put in their own ecm, rwr, maws.

F-15C is overweight by 553 kg, but that still wouln’t explain the 100+ weight difference left over. They should both have the same weight since the F-15J is literally the F-15C but with domestic systems.

Not a bug.

I’m going to guess and say maybe the domestic systems they put in are lighter than the US counterparts?

Nobody knows

So the big cfts don’t add any weight now?

It’s literally DCS with better controls.

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me too, but we need to know, AAM3 a little batter then 9M, if gaijin even doesn’t want we got 9M as stock, how can we imagine they that AAM3 as stock IRAAM?

Aam3 is only slightly less draggy, and it’s not like other aircraft don’t have their top air to air missiles stock, top tier Russia has two r73s stock iirc

The addition of the HMD lets you do some crazy shots now with the AAM-3.

I am concerned that the dev server closes in under 5 hours and there’s still a lot of issues and things incomplete. Not sure if they’ll extend it and/or have another dev server. If not we’ll have to hope the update next week has fixed a lot of things.

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that’s true, HMD change many thing

I can attest to that. Using it on the Gripen is crazy

As expected, the performance of the AAM-4 will be adjusted, so the F-15J(M) with HMD and AAM-3/(improved) AAM-4 could be a very good fighter. However, the AAM-4 is supposed to be a long time-accelerated missile type (like the AIM-7F) with sustainer boosters, so it is more suited to BVR and may be disadvantageous in the close-range fights that occur frequently in WT.

It would be nice but currently it struggles even at 20km range in best conditions, meanwhile 7m can easily go after target 50km away if target don’t evade it

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