Mitsubishi F-15J

Still hope that they will add MAW because being able to be alerted and defend your back without looking is very neat, especially if you are focusing on something like a Grippen in front of you. Yes I know that there exists a look around button but still it would be such a QoL thing in critical situations imo.

I hope so as well, but I’m honestly more worried about a list of other things lol.

I wish we knew more about the J/APR-4A to see if it’s functionally better in the sense that it picks up more radar bands.

I don’t think it would be disadvantageous at close range because even the 7F/7M can be still reliably be used at close range like 1,5km minimum and the time it misses is because it doesn’t turn in time so the AAM-4 with better engine, it’s maneuverability and internal radar would be like a 7M but on Steroids and if they will make it surpass or match the C variant of AMRAAM it will be among the best missiles

Are there some missile that can’t be picked up by the current RWR?

The only important one as of note is the K band which the Pantsir uses when launching a missile at you, I believe.

I know in my AH-64DJP, I get a warning which I think that RWR goes to the M band so it picks up the Pantsir when it is firing at you.

Another QoL thing that could be checked indeed but I doubt they will go that deep into it if someone won’t give them the info directly and even then it’s questionable

I think it’s also the same RWR used on the F-2, so ideally it’s advanced, but it can always be changed later.

We still don’t have a cockpit for the F-15J(M) lol.

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What are the chances of an IRST modified from a fuel tank being added, similar to the AN/AAQ-28 or AN/AAQ-14? I think the Japanese F-15 would become a more unique and interesting aircraft if it were equipped with a removable IRST.

Highly unlikely seeing that they aren’t even capable of fixing the AAM-4 so far

Dev server update - version

Some things changed.

Engines corrected, not sure about actual flight performance

Camouflage updated to better match the plane they're referencing

New cockpit, I think from the old F-15J, not the new one, but the it does have new radar UI

Pilot model change to orange Japanese one, but I think at this point it should be the modern green one?

Screenshot 2024-06-05 05.29.02

Oh wow about time, nice

“New Cockpit”

Shouldn’t the F15J MSIP have a digital SMS?

F15J cockpit

Link to video

Made a bug report please add any information available please


Hmm… It’s surprising that even with the cockpit added, there seems to be no apparent changes to the MAWS functionality or the specifications of the AAM-4. Instead, unnecessary elements have been added. What is this bump on the nose?

Probable answer to your question

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Considering that the cockpit of the F-1 was a complete copy-and-paste from the T-2, I don’t think there will be any further modifications.
Where have the HUD and RWR of the F-1 disappeared to…?

Thank you.
Was there some issue with the initial model implemented on the Dev server? It’s strange that it was replaced.

I was mistaken. It seems it was included from the initial model. My apologies.

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Now F-15J is only 300kg lighter than F-15C

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Well I just made a bug report so can’t hurt to make an attempt.


I think the images in this article will be very helpful.


the new 220E engines took around 34 seconds to mach 1
normal F-15J took around 32 seconds to mach 1
So yeah they even reduced the power for some reason and it’s not only visual like a typo in the stats,
and by my understanding, they should be literally identical to the one on the F-16AM for example.
The 220E stands for an upgrade from a previous version while 220 means brand new from factory.
(stock + modifications)
I wonder why it is so hard to get it correct