Mitsubishi F-15J

You are correct in that it was more than the MSIP upgrades that allowed for AAM-4 and I’m sure @WreckingAres283 has more information about it.

AAM-4 was in the terminal at beginning of the teaser

Sure, however, the f15j to come appears to match the MTDP standards, since my brief skimming of the us f15c msip seems to indicate it had the upgraded radar

AAM-4 requires command transmission device called J/ARG-1, it was installed in one of the parts of the MSIP upgrades. There are ton of small differences over time so it’s hard to separate every thing.

Unfortunately, western sources are not very reliable when it comes to modifications, especially those where there is little documentation; take it with a grain of salt, its how I figured it out so far:

  • MSIP: LAU-106A/A, MIL-STD-1553B, addition of electrical wiring for (future) air-to-air missiles, MPCD, F100-IHI-220E and J/APQ-1 tail warning system on later aircraft (#62-8958 and above)

  • F-15J(M) (MTDP):

    • Type I: J/ARG-1 transmitter, J/APR-4A RWR, J/ALQ-8, modification of the AAI interrogation antenna, followed by; AN/APG-63(V)1, air conditioning changes, operational capability of AAM-4 /B and countermeasures against radio interference for communications equipment
    • Type II: full operational capability of the AAM-5/B and the installation of HMD using JHMCS

Technically speaking, it is already possible to use AAM-4 and AIM-120 with MSIP, since the necessary wires and LAU-106A/A are available.

Though, still no idea when centrain things happened / changed; IRAN maintenance and LAU-128…

Its required for TWS guidance, and F-2 afaik.



So without J/ARG-1 it’s still possible to guide it with the basic lock? Or only in close range in seeker lock proximity?

Hard lock should work, as with AMRAAM etc.

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Based on the information here, seems like the Type I is the bare minimum we’re getting and maybe Type II for future AAM-5, but now HMD.

I’m curious, is J/APQ-1 some kind of MAW system and also, what are the differences between the J/APR-4 and J/APR-4A.

So since the mtdp does end up adding aam4 as well as apg63v1, its possible thatll be added.

On a different note, after rereading the sections multiple times, the mtdp section mentions the apg63v1 radar has been produced for japan since 1997, and the msip section is based in 1997 but doesnt mention the new radar

Thai source says it is

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Interesting. Minor aesthetic grievance of it being only on one of the tail spikes as opposed to the both.


Theres also a bunch of other random devices

Not really sure which upgrade package they came in

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J/APQ-1 tail warning system on later aircraft (#62-8958 and above)

Its symmetrical;



i wonder what difference there is between the ones with just a a single J/APQ-1 and this.

Oh nice. My inner OCD was going to hurt me otherwise LOL.

Any more information on the other stuff I asked about regarding the J/APR-4 and J/APR-4A?

Thats outside of my area tbh, sorry.

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Unfortunate. My hope is it detects K band so we can see Pantsir track and launch like on the AH-64DJP. Though if they add the J/APQ-1 and it works (I presume only in the rear 180 degree hemisphere) then, at least can detect launches in general from IR SAMs (TY-90s too pls) and maybe other SAMs too so we’ll have good situational awareness in Ground RB.

Kinda getting excited for this F-15J while I wait for the F-2 some day.

Now I just need to test if TWS picks up helis and if AAM-4 guides using it so I can take out helis from long range in ground RB, assuming they aren’t hugging the ground for multipathing.

Also can’t wait to see the liveries for it. I assume they’ll have some this time on launch, unlike last time. I do hope they don’t come with squadron emblems so I can slap my own on there.

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unrelated thing, but im playing the t2 right now, and why does the t2 and f1 still not have its radar gunsight back, its really annoying when the squadmates ignore the su25 so you get plapped

F15J with AAM4 but no aim120.


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So we get a F-15J Kai (isn’t this name fictional?)