Mitsubishi F-15J

No, more likely J-11A/A MLU

Doesn’t PL-12s require J-11B though? I thought J-11As were stuck with R-77s

J-11B heavy airframe and better J-10A but domestic chinese Air-to-Air Missile

J-11A MLU armed russian export Air-to-Air Missile R-73E, R-27ER1/R-27ER1 and RVV-AE (R-77 export)

PL-12 seeker is derived from R-77 it should be backwards compatible

The seeker might be, but is the datalink? I thought that was the limiting factor for integration onto the original J-11As

yes, only R-77.
i think gaikin just dont give Chinese flanker with fox-3, but give J-10A to actualise him, what you chose J-11B or J-10A?

the F-4F ICE will be DoA, wouldn’t be surprised if it was an event vehicle honestly
Gaijin dropped the ball with adding even more advanced 4th gens instead of gen 3++ first
an F-4F ICE with AMRAAMs, MiG-23-98 with R-73s and an F-4-2000 against basic F-16As (or even the C) would’ve been much more fun imo, now all of these planes will be irrelevant


Both. J-10A should have come with the F-16C but since the Su-27SM is coming no reason to hold out on the J-11B. But if only one comes I think it will be J-11B, less work for gaijin.

we can already bet, how many of those changes compared to the F-15J gajin will get wrong.
with the MSIP we should see the APG-63v1 thoo so TWS

Datalink information for R-77 isn’t provided by main lobe so whatever change to radar to incorporate R-77 should also permit usage of the PL-12… the biggest change for the J-11 MLU is some form of track-while-scan which enhances the ability further as it can launch against multiple targets with R-77 / PL-12

The original purpose of PL-12 was to give China a domestic FOX-3 that fits the same mounts and weapon placement of the PL-11 (Aspide). Usage of the PL-12 later on the other platforms stems from the lack of R-77 availability and need for independent production of domestic missiles.

Anyhow, it is quite off topic now. I’ll refrain from derailing any further but we can talk in other topics.

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Honestly? Typhoon Tranch1 could have absolutely been added last patch. And certainly make sense this patche with actives. This is gaijn beinf wierd aboit releases again.

F-4F ICE will be tech tree guaranteed.
If it’s DOA so it Mig-29SMT. XD

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At close range, maybe. And even then the thrust vectoring is a big advantage. In BVR it stands no chance, like pretty much anything else that flies.

You should be careful with those because outside of the original Red Flag wargame where the F-22s ran around as they pleased, they now have radar reflectors and drop tanks fitted at all times to even the scales a little.
That’s also how the Rafale managed to “beat” an F-22 - as it turns out, the F-22 was flying with both hands tied behind its back and hopping on one leg.

That document has been removed by the JPN MOD but is still available on the Wayback Machine.

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It’s why I added the disclaimer that they weren’t end all be all facts.

The point was the fact that an EFT can even even do something in WVR with an F-22 is something an F-15 would not be able to do so I don’t think the F-15 and EFT are comparable in that regard.

That’s not a good comparison. If you set up the F-15/EF2000 in an advantageous position WVR against an F-22 to start, both are going to win just by slaving either AIM-9Xs or IRIS-Ts before the F-22 has a chance to maneuver for a shot.

Are these mock fights not gun only since these advanced missiles are pretty insane at WVR fights?

That depends entirely on what they are training. Is it possible that was the scenario? Yes, but I would say not probable. 1v1 guns only dogfights is a lot less applicable than 2v2, 4v4, 4v8 etc which is where the most time is spent on training.

I don’t know much about these events, I’m just speculating myself.

Everyones been saying F-15J MSIP will carry AAM-4, but there’s some conflicting information I wanted to iron out.
The two sources are

In the MSIP section, both sites say “It was hoped that the upgraded F-15Js will have the ability to carry and launch “fire and forget” BVR AAMs”

and the MTDP section says “The new radar will support the AAM-4 missile, the Japanese answer to the AMRAAM.”

Theres more mixed information, as right below the MTDP section, is this diagram
This diagram shows the transition to the APG-63(V)1 radar, which hints at MTDP, according to the MTDP section but labels it as F-15J MSIP and also says “equipped with air-to-air missiles AAM-4B and AAM-5 possible to repair.”(?)

Am I missing something here?