Mitsubishi F-15J

I hope whatever camos they add, they also cover the pylons and fuel tanks.



Do we know much about the J/APR-4 compared to the AN/ALR-56? Especially in terms of what bands it could detect in WT?

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hmm i’ve never looked into that might try and see what i can find.


OHHHH boi!! I would pay ANYTHING for that camo!

well from a quick search i’ve come empty lol it seems it will be hard to find its performance just like anything Japanese

That’s what I figured and had trouble myself. Wonder what it will end up like in live. Probably copy paste from the AN/ALR-56 for now.

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I NEED that dragon camo

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Welp, looks like the live server is upon us now

Let’s hope the devs are open to tweaking the AAM-3 after the fact, lest it ends up like the Magics and it takes forever to fix…

No additional camos yet. :(

Whereis the HMD for F15J?

its a pre MSIP version hence no TWS and no HMD

Pre-MSIP still had the PSP radar, which had TWS added in 1985.


Speaking of which, @_David_Bowie what’s the status of the PSP radar for F-15J? Last I remember you mentioned there was a bug report internally but seeing as TWS isn’t present on live, I presume it’s still open/being worked on?


Not knowing the status of “internal reports” can be difficult

How are we supposed to know if we need to provide additional information

Make a public thread discussing the issue or a report with all known sources. If there is something new, they’ll add it to the internal report.

Alternatively, message the tech moderators to inquire about the report and if they have a certain source.

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They gave it J/APR-4 it also feel more maneuverable compared to dev.

Yea, though apparently it’s overperforming at high speeds now? @MiG_23M

The J/APR-4 also isn’t copy paste either as it detects upto J band where the ALR-56 detected till M band (J as well, but APR-4 detects from C band). They also fixed the antenna color for the RWR.


Will the F-15J get a JASDF pilot model? (If I’m not mistaken, the same problem happened with the F-16AJ)

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We will see

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