Missing AIM-120 on F-16 MLU

The alternative solution I’d love to see added. Is to have an option somewhere on the aircraft. Like in the mod screen or custom loadout screen. With an option to toggle a perticulae loadout option on or off.

So take the Viggen D.

AMRAAM disabled it’s 11.3
AMRAAM enabled its 12.3.

1 aircraft, 2 BRs

I’d personally love it for the Harrier Gr7. Im missing 4x Aim-9Ls at 11.0 in Sim. It’s almost unplayable at 11.7 in sim with 4x Aim-9Ms


Not sure gaijin would be willing to put in the effort but it would really help planes like the a10 that could drop its missiles and fight equivalent planes or other planes like that that are only at their current br cause of their missiles. Jh7a would make an amazing 12.7 with its pl12’s but it could still be a 11.7 cas plane.

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I belive aim120c-5 is too early for game, but I still want aim9m and gbu with laser pod


gaijin: not a bug

So… MLU has 60s flares now.


Bruh what


they nerf the MLU, instead of add it to historical 120 CMs, they dicide to decrease 30 CMs


This is effectively pre-MLU now, which meant these are as fake as the F-16AJ since they never arrived in taiwan in such shape.


If gaijin want to attract more chinese players to play the warthunder,please restore the performance of Chinese vehicle and weapon,stop belittling the performance of Chinese vehicles and weapons. When the new versions are updated, Chinese vehicles are always in an unfinished state and always require a lot of information from the player,Gaijin just needs to focus more on Chinese vehicles ,Instead of doing it half-heartedly,Gaijin can make it,I trust.


Instead of giving AMRAAMs, they chose to nerf it down to pre-MLU… o_O


Bruh, seriously?

Bruh. It’s hard to imagine when they propagate WT is a historical simulator game. They would like create another void aircraft like F16AJ rather than give it the missiles actually used.

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And there Gaijin is trying to attract more Chinese players by sonsporing Chinese content creators, seriously the best way to attract Chinese players is simply make CN tech tree more historically accurate…

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I guess F-16A MLU from china tech tree maybe F-16A Block 20 MLU first batch with Air-to-Air armament in 97’s (limited SARH MRAAM AIM-7M Sparrow), dumb bomb & unguided rocket and limited PGM AGM-65B Maverick.

Would still have aim9m’s and extra flares

The Charming Moments of Braining Gaijin Developers. Always like to confront players


Even if half of the energy that some people use against players can put into perfecting the game, WT wouldn’t have such a bad reputation right now.


The War Thunder wiki says this was the variant in use until the upgrade in the 2020s so it should get the C-5/7 eventually.

While AIM-9M would be nice, being dragged up into 13.0 without AIM-120’s would be… rough.


I’m hoping it’s a mistake where they said -30 countermeasures instead of +30 to the devs and nobody caught it in time.


Hopefully the developers will either correct the MLU or release some rationale as to why the MLU doesn’t receive its corrected loadout (even with filler AIM-120A/B’s instead of the AIM-120C-5 which is obviously a bit too strong for in-game right now).

I think even the AIM-9M’s and AIM-9P-4’s would be fine right now considering how the equivalent in the French/BeNeLux tree, the F-16A, has the M’s.