“Missile Evasion” the message that will break up air simulation battles

This is a joke. They MUST remove all these messages from SIM


i think, it’s just a bug. They didnt want to.

How it’s possible to warn devs about this error?


Post suggestion on forum or create bugreport.


are you going to create a bug ticket man? This is very needed.


No, I’m lazy.


It’s already bug report in topic here . Pls participate on bug report thx


Bug report seems to have been accepted.

I myself haven’t seen any such message yet in Sim since the patch came out. But then maybe I fly too careful? Don’t know…


i got plenty times yesterday. Hopefully they will fix it soon


Next update: bullets evaded message. Seriously what is the point of looking around then?


Yeah, such things really have no place in Sim. Having that whole workload is the basis on immersion and fun of that game mode.


Guys, I’ve created a report. Anyone who can go there and post that “I have the same problem” will help draw attention to this bug. Follow the link: Community Bug Reporting System

If you have a link to the same problem, send it here in the comments so we can follow up together.

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I agree with you, if the messages remain, just fly like a horse (just look forward) and Gaijin will take care of your back. lol

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The issue was accepted and closed this morning. Someone is working there. Amen!

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It honestly changes nothing.
I already know over 5 seconds prior to the message showing up that a missile missed me, cause it shows up LONG AFTER the missile misses.
It’s not an RWR, an RWR warns you BEFORE launches not after.


It doesn’t match reality. Imagine the following situation:

You’ve entered an enemy’s 6 o’clock, you know you only have two missiles to shoot him down from a distance. You launch the first missile and miss due to its loss of energy, so you try to get closer to your target and launch the second missile and your enemy sees it coming and starts launching countermeasures.

Your enemy guessed that a second missile was coming because of a previous “missile evasion” message, while he has already asked you to “cover me” and you are shot down for not being silent enough. Of course, this happens in real life, doesn’t it?


Today I saw a launch towards me and began an evasive maneuver, keeping the enemy in sight.
A message appeared, “missile evasion” and I realized that the missile had missed.

This is not what I expect from SB)


Waiting so much a fix for SIM


so they didn’t correct it. OMG!

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The SIM needs a dedicated update. I’ve seen dozens of good ideas that would make SIM mode more attractive.

Gaijin has a good SIM community. They get lots of good ideas, but unfortunately they only get fixes and no new implementations.

I particularly still think that we should have a representative (Game Master) who really plays SIM and has a good workload of battles and shows that he understands our pain.

To understand what I mean is: I’ve seen the cards of the Game Masters, and there are very few who have been playing SIM for more than 1 day (the information is public). So, I think we should have a stronger representative who will take our ideas from suggestions to implementation.


Evasion seems more like a testing mechanic to me, if gaijin continue this trial it may be a new type of combat reward text like Hits and Crits.

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