Mirage F1C to 11.7

i think i was searching and find a lot about magic2 and r530f/D stuff and why French cancel the IR version of the r530f and r530D and it said it as chaff resisting on its seeker but I forgot where I find that info it was legit too

Well apparently moving everything down is the solution according to gaijin (looks at J-7D and J35XS)

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35XS has plenty of reason to move down after what they did to it.

But definitely skeptical of the 7D move.


It’s got 100 reasons to move down and 99 to stay where it is

Again it’s gaijin being an ass and not giving decompression for some reason unknown to us all

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Not really, they killed the FM and was only where it was on account of the FM. Not much better than anything else without the FM advantage.

It’s not the plane itself, it’s the 6 AIM-9Ps facing even more flareless planes with less threats to the XS

Mirage F1C is a low skill floor kind of vehicle, you get 2xmagic2 that are often 2 guaranteed kills, but then that’s it. You get nothing going for it except the straight-line speed to run away and a lot of CM’s to defend yourself. You have a similar dogfighting capability to a phantom. Its radar missiles work well enough to third-party people busy in dogfights going vertical but that’s about it.

In my opinion, it is quite well balanced at 12.0 and is a well-rounded vehicle that doesn’t suffer from BR compression as much as some of its peers.

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not comparable to f1c which has a far superior FM to both

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As an F-1C ​​user I can say that it is where it should be, but the other planes are not, and many should raise the BR. If the BR of the F-1C ​​is lowered it will be very strong. We need more decompression, a real one and not like the last one we had, which was just make-up.

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Worse IR missiles, but has x2 R-24R which guarantee you 2 kills, unlike the Magic 2 bc you can still flare those with some ease.

But are planes you will face constantly


They should put the F1C at 13.3 and MiG-23ML down at 8.3 for better balancing


This just feels like one of the hundreds of examples of compression.

Is it good against 12.3/12.7/13.0?, No.

Is it good against 11.0/11.3/11.7? Yes.

So then you have to ask, what suffers more. Mirage F1C vs 13.0’s, or 10.7’s vs Mirage F1C?

Personally I’d probably say 10.7’s suffer more against an F1C, and on that basis, it’s hard to justify dropping it.

Moving cherry picked things down only creates more compression. We should be arguing to move everything up. (Or to reduce MM spread to +/-0.7 to reduce the brutality of uptiers / dominance in downtiers)

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The main issue with that, is that it only allows for 3 BR steps in any battle/bracket, rather than 4.

Decompression is harder, but it is a much better solution.

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I see where you’re coming from, but I think a dynamic BR spread system could work.

We’re told we can’t have decompression / reduced spread due to queue times, but handling spread dynamically could be a compromise?

Like, 3AM on a Tuesday, makes absolute sense to have +/-1 BR spread. But 8PM on a Saturday, where MM takes only takes like 5-10 seconds, surely we could reduce the spread to 0.7 during such prime time gaming hours, when the servers are populous enough to support it?

Idk if there’d be some technical limitation preventing it, but surely it’s possible to make the MM adjust spread based on BR queue population?

Makes perfect sense to me

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Exactly, if its weak (which it isn’t, it’s just slightly rough sometimes) they can just fix 530F and boom good plane

I agree mostly but I personally think it suffers way too much in uptiers against any radar missile planes because of its terrible rwr and lack of useable radar missiles. It makes playing against the tomcat, which is doable in planes like the f-4s if you are more skilled, unplayable for the F1C. Also planes like the F-4s and other doppler phantoms at 12.0 slightly struggle in uptiers but nowhere near as much as the mirage F1C. Also they are much more potent in downtiers often turning the tide of a whole game because of their ability to kill everything with vastly superior radar missiles to anything in a downtier.

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I totally agree with this and this is the main reason they gaijin thinks it should be 12.0. But magic 2s aren’t just 2 guaranteed kills you have to use them correctly by launching witching a certain range and preferably from rear aspect for them to be “guaranteed kills”. From my experience playing the F-4j, which is a very slightly worse F-4s, the aim 7fs are kind of the same situation as magic 2s where if you use them in a certain range and aspect they are nearly undodgeabale for most planes around the br range.

Writing this out also makes me think that decompression is needed but I didn’t originally include that in the start of the thread because it is more realistic for gaijin to just move the br of one plane and not all of them because it takes a lot more effort and they always manage to make some things more unbalanced after decompression.

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I agree just because Mirage cant carry napalm it should be 11.7… everything else common you have Magic thats guarantee kill

There’s nothing to fix, it’s working as it should for a non continuous wave seeker. (if you’re referring to it being chaff vulnerable that is)