There’s multiple reports on how it filtered chaff in service (as well as other things wrong about it) with mor than enough sources to back it up
I love the F1C but honestly I don’t think it should go down.
The 530s are terrible but the 2 magic 2s and the amount of CMs would make it really had to fight at 11.7 since it would get downtiers all the time.
Yes but the undertiered premium F-4S shouldn’t be the reason to undertier the Mirage F-1 too. F-4S should go to 12.3 or 12.7(if decompression happens) and mirage F-1 is fine where it is.
I’d rather face an F-14 in the mirage F1 than a phantom, at least if the F-14 isn’t hell-bent on dogfighting you, you have 2 missiles that are a guaranteed kill if you point your nose at him at 2km except a straight head-on. The phantom will just be useless if the F-14 evades your sparrows which isn’t hard to do.
nah this is crazy
The 4x Gunpods are quite funny at 10.3. But then again, that is 10.3. I still believe running gunpods is viable for the higher BR Su-25s, though the F1C outclasses it in every way.
Su-25 is a better dogfighter, but the mirage F1 doesn’t need to play if he doesn’t want to. Except the su-25 with R-73, then you can’t go near him at all without pre-flaring constantly
Depends on the Su-25’s payload. If its your average AIR RB Su-25 its not winning that dogfight, as they are usually loaded with 2-4 Missiles, 2-4 Gunpods, and/or A2G munitions.
That’s not relevant to the discussion, you could also say that the average su-25 player can’t dogfight to begin with, but that doesn’t make the plane a worse dogfighter than the F1C
i don’t believe the F1C can lose to a Su-25
In a dogfight? Su-25 has better energy retention, tighter turn circle, and a better-sustained turn rate. Also better gun.
Now in a normal match the F1C isn’t forced to dogfight and can act as a F-104 while the su-25 can’t ignore it because if it exposes the rear its a death sentence because of magic2’s
I refuse to believe this. There is no way the F1C is this bad.
By chance do you have the F1C, I genuinely want to test this out.
Have you flown both?
I do have the TT F1C but you can actually test drive the exact FM with the premium one. Just boot up WTRTI or something similar and check the performance. No need for beliefs when you have data.
only one, being the Su-25. I’ve fought F1C’s and sure they can be beat easily but Ididn’t ever think it’d be worse than the Su-25k
I just did a quick sustained turn rate test
I got 16º/s for the su-25, clean and min fuel (8m) and takeoff flaps.
I got 13º/s for the F1C with 42% fuel and 13.7º/s with min fuel, which is similar to a F-4S when adjusted to similar fuel time in afterburner.
For the F1C I did with 42% fuel (18min) to compensate because you wouldn’t take more than 14min fuel in the su-25 in a normal match and you would start fighting with less than 8min. Even then the F1C with 18min has relatively less fuel.
Note that you can get about 16º/s in a phantom on min fuel (the ones with internal gun or 18º/s with the FGR2 but that’s a different beast), but you will empty your tank much quicker than the F1C (which is quite efficient for an afterburner jet) or the non afterburning su-25.
Also, I don’t mind setting up that test dogfight if you want. But won’t be very interesting
Yes, it is Mirage F1C, F4S, Kfir C7 and J37D.
Mirage F1C is the best 12.0…
It is the only plane in br that has missiles with IRCCM.
It has good flight performance, excellent IR missiles and poor radar missiles.
In terms of flight performance, it only loses to the Kfir.
In terms of radar missiles it loses to the F4S, maybe for J37D too (Skyflash DF is a realy shit missile too ).
In terms of number of countermeasures, it only loses to the j37D.
It is an extremely balanced and consistent plane in 12.0
this plane is an abomination, it shouldn’t be less than 12.3 (same br as su25ms3)
If you lose to F4E, F5E, J7E and Mig 23, playing with Mirage F1C, I’m sorry to inform you, but it’s not the plane’s fault…
Maybe it’s time for you to start watching tutorials or gameplay videos of the vehicle to get some tips.
okay come on don’t shit on the J-7E, its great
Yeah the difference is that 7Fs require a lot more setup and positioning management usually.