Mirage F1C to 11.7

At no time did I say that the J7E is a bad plane, I just said that it can’t beat a Mirage F1C, mainly because of the missiles.

??? Why can’t it?

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mriage F1C has better engines, a very decent flight performance, missiles with irccm to end any possibility of dogfight, radar missiles to end any headons attempt, even at low altitude using MTI mode.
the advantage is all for mirage.
If the Mirage player loses the match up, it’s his demerit

F-4S is the best, for the meta, and even in a 1v1 against a F1C.


Its the worst radar missile at that BR. The skyflash /aim7e2 is far better, and on 12.0 it is usually coupled with a PD radars.

Agree completely with this part.


F1C and J7E are both untouchable to each other if both are good pilots. Only because the F1C can run away all game and the J7E can easily evade the F1C all-game unless it sneaks near the J7E

It depends on the situation, at long distances the f4s is infinitely better, now when the distance shortens the f4s is unable to deal against mirage f1c.

a well-placed magic 2 ends this fight in seconds

No matter the range the F1C can’t deal with a good F-4S pilot, due to the simple fact that you can flare the magics2 from frontal aspect and after merging the phantom has slightly better dogfight performance and will have an energy and position advantage because he can climb over you and spam sparrows before merging.

The F1C has the worst maneuverability among its peers. Its fast in a straight line and has 2 magic2, that’s all

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J-7E absolutely rails the Mirage F1 in a dogfight, like you’d have to be falling asleep to lose this.

You can flare magic 2s…

you can notch/multipath PD radar missiles…

Besides that the J-7E just has to survive the first merge (not difficult) then it just, again, RAILS the Mirage F1.


You cant get a “well placed” magic 2 against a j7e in a 1v1

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You are completely out of touch with reality, don’t get me wrong, the J7E is an excellent plane, but we are talking about a match up against a plane that is almost a whole br different from it.
we are talking about a plane that has access to one of the best IR missiles in the game, early acess top tier IR missile.
If it was a guns only fight, the advantage would be j7e’s, but in a conventional fight j7e against a mirage f1c, j7e is at a disadvantage, let’s be realistic.
we are talking about a plane that was recently flown at 11.3 versus a 12.0.

If you take a magic 2 from a short distance, with enough time for the active proximity fuse (0.5s) , it’s a very difficult missile to deal with.
Depending on the angle and distance it is unflarable( like every missile with irccm)

[quote=“USA PilotsAreBad, post:221, topic:190633”]
J-7E absolutely rails the Mirage F1 in a dogfight,
mirage just needs to shorten the distance enough for j7e to lose some energy and get a shot

The same goes against the f4s, at long distances it has an advantage but if the mirage f1c shortens the distance due to the magic 2 the f4s is at a disadvantage.

it’s a simple fact.

All of your arguments consist of mistakes made by the Mirages F1C player against a supposed player who makes perfect decisions.(either from f4s or j7e)

? again, J-7E RAILS the Mirage f1 in the flight model department and you can flare magic 2s so there is no way for the f1 to win here assuming the j7e doesnt make big mistakes

im not saying that like, in air rb the mirage f1 wouldnt be able to kill the j7e but i am saying in no way is that some guaranteed loss like you’re saying it is above


You can preflare in those exact situations, and because the radar of the F1C sucks to slave the missile, preflaring is even more effective

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Which is easier in terms of execution, do you execute an entire dogfight without external interference from other players and without making big mistakes or simply shorten the distance with the enemy and survive long enough for him to lose some energy and throw a missile that can pull up to 50g at short distances and low/medium altitude with irccm?

Rate fighting is something two aircraft of equal propulsion can do.
F-1C has a reheater which means it doesn’t rate-fight dry-thrust jets… it energy fights them.
“But R-73!” That’s funny… I have over 100 countermeasures, and my climb is less than 30 seconds, and coincidentally one large caliber countermeasure lasts 4 seconds.
And of course Su-25 has no HMD for funny shots.

Someone said they would 1v1 me, but then they never showed up.

It’s the other way around, after a merge the phantom will have the advantage in a dogfight. I thought I was clear. The phantom will decide the engagement and if you evade the sparrows he will start a dogfight with a far better position advantage, then vulcan does its thing…

The same can be said for the F1. Why assume the F1 won’t make a mistake and catch a missile from the j7E or simply get intercepted and gunned down?

So in conception, a 11.3 aircraft with inferior armament is superior to the Mirage F1C 12.0 in any scenario?

Not any, but I’d say in a 1v1… yes absolutely. If you stack the odds in the F1’s favor of course it has a high chance of winning