live on the dev server ?
It is
Why are two 2500 liter tanks only ~4 mins of fuel
So 9 missiles huh. I am pretty happy with that. They change the pod, fix the other issues/bugs (countermeasures and fuel), and I think the plane will be good to go live
what’s wrong with the counter measures?
what makes the devs think the current 530s will be in any way useful? they are the AIM9Bs of radar missiles lol
The plane only has 96 (placeholder from the Mirage 200C) I just finished updating, so I did not check what has been corrected already
That’s a bug. When you select the 2 magic 2 without fuel tank, it actually show the fuel tank visually
ooh so should it have more or less?
When it comes to the 400 countermeasures is it large caliber?
It’s a bug that’s been reported
That’s not a D, that’s an F still BTW
yeah I am aware, though hopefully we get 530D privileges and the 2 530s on the fuselage instead of just the one, because then we’d have up to 10 AAMs
The picture of the dual magic attached to fuel tank, do we already confirm that they are magic 2? Or to say it, is it true that magic 2 can simply replace magic 1’s position? Because I see some people doubt mirage 4k could use magic 2.
there is proof of it.
If it can use magic 1 it can use magic 2.
Where can I know it?
We already have pictures of M4K with Magic 2 from Dassault.
Main difference between magic 1 and 2 is the seeker head, the rest is the same I think. Magic 2 mk2 has a better motor tho
Magic-1 and Magic-II size and attachements are the exact same, the most different thing was the engine (which was set to be of same size) seeker, and on board electronics.