Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

we can try
: )message me in game

I’m not available at this moment, I can do the testing later and record the sustained rates. I suspect the F-16 beats the MiG-23ML, I just won’t take people’s word on such things anymore.

It was interesting to find out the 9-12 is worse than the MiG-23 in STR.

didn’t the mirage out rate almost everything for some reason, for a while with full real controls think that was before the f16 got its g limiter removed

No, the DCS M2K out-rates every Gen4 fighter in that game though. Maybe that’s what you were thinking about.

When people pointed out how absurd that is they claim “SME Feedback and known data points” as their source. Simply not feasible. The M2K in War Thunder is still decent in sustained turn, just not the king.

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Personally the only thing that i had troubles dogfighting with the 2kf5 is the f16s, the m29 can be easily outurned specially the smt

F-16 is overperforming so the gap should be a lot closer.

have their been any reports made about it overperforming because the way f16s are flying in game their wings would be bent like hell

Yes, Gaijin has acknowledged the issue but doesn’t want to fix it. They think properly modeling the instability would brick mouse aim… and refuse to fix the excessive AoA or stability.

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The core problem with Warthunder’s control is that to make the game simpler to play, the players are babysits when using the mouse control. That means that the planes will only fly in their flight enveloped to the best of their abilities. By definition, it does exactly what a FBW should do, so the advantages of FBW of the Mirage 2000 is negated. Then, Delta wings in general are vastly underperforming compared to swept wings as they have most of the disadvantages (High bleed speed), not not really the advantages (AOA is more limited on Delta wings than swept wings). That’s why things like the M23 and F16 are so vastly over performing when facing things like the M2K or Mig29.
At least that’s my personal opinion.

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That is true, but the rates the MLA displays for a plane of that T/W is frankly insane.

that is another (70$) topic , for some reason F-1C 200 goes super cruise lol

I have this graph for the Flogger-B (MIG-23M).

Compared with Mirage 2000

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The issue seems to be that they perform according to the schedules in 45° sweep but in-game they have a pretty big increase in STR as wings go forward.

I can test later today I think, I’ll post results in the MiG-23 thread and link it here if necessary. I’ve got an MF and ML manual.

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So can the lightning, even at sea level with two missiles. That’s the quirk of turbojets

The Lightning could super-cruise in real life though. As far as I know the Mirage F1 could not?

Worth looking into for a report, I’m not sure it’s really necessary though as the Mirage F1 already performs so poorly… may the community take pity on its plight.

these graphs seem like a pretty off estimation, the STR especially for the Mirage 2000 wouldnt just be a flat line (the same) at all speeds like that

I’m not an expert but I wouldn’t be surprised if it could a bit, maybe not as easily as in game. I think one of the main reasons of supercruising being considered such an astounding feature today is because turbofan engines couldn’t achieve it as easily as turbojets. Anyway, I’d be happy to know if it’s realistic for the MF1

It could, if it follows the trim curve as it is a relaxed stability aircraft. Higher speed moves lift center rearward and as stability increases it requires positive trim like a stable aircraft to maintain level flight… Incurring less favorable lift to drag as speed and thrust increases.

This is just my assumption / guesswork though. I’d need better materials to evaluate further.

Seems only the Soviet aircraft are estimation. Could be the Mirage hits an FBW limit and while aerodynamically it could do more the software is limiting pilot input.