Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Are you sure of your launch parameters?

The bugs he refers to for magic might be a proxy issue and 530D self explosion isn’t uncommon as we all know


Suspect this may be it.

Happen to me yesterday evening again.
530D missed three time, no proxy fuse or self explosed.
same for magic


This morning, again, completely broken.
there is no word to describe how broken are M2K now.
French nation is unplayable.
530D missed target 2/3 of time and radar is getting notch most of time…

When i play F4J, radar get a strong lock and AIM 7F never missed target.
there is no sens at all.
i’ll stop playing until they repair french radar & missile. I’ve lost all the joy of playing.

Bug report here, please acknowledge.

Matra 530D bug // Gaijin.net // Issues

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I have observed the exact same thing with the Super 530D.
It misses some extremely easy shots that any other top tier missile would 100% hit no questions asked.

Worst case of this I have experienced so far was just earlier today.
I shot a 530D headon at a target a bit over 6km away.
The target started turning when it saw the missile, and the missile MISSED ENTIRELY like it somehow lost the target lock in a HEADON.
It’s absolutely ridiculous.

It’s straight up the least reliable missile at top tier right now by a LOOOONG shot.
A radar missile you can’t trust to kill a target in a 6km headon at top tier is a useless missile.

It’s impressive how everytime Gaijin fixes an aspect of this missile, they manage to completely break something else to the point the missile is actually worse than before the fix.

Thanks in part to this crap the Mirage 2000 is STILL stuck as by far the worst top tier.


Magic and R-60 tend to just fly past targets.
Magic also seems to have a effective ranger closer to R-60 now then AIM-9.
Mirage 2000 is not ‘‘still the worst’’ it used to be great.

Yeah it was great for a few months before the Mig-29 came out.

Even then they buffed it’s fm slightly, but it’s still held by by Instructor and FM. Viggen outperforms it at low speed soemtimes and has a lwoer stall speed in game.

Considering how complaints thread seem to work sometimes better than truly developped thread and clear reports in order to fix something we should create a thread only for complaints with the previously mentionned name “Make Mirage2000 Great Again” and just share our complaints/horid experiences with it.


Jokes aside they really need to fix the mess they made up and improve the radar and missiles


Its a joke how poor the radar is performing

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does TWS jump around a lot for anyone else it will just choose some other random target to track im even using it manually

Is anyone noticing the proxy bug a ton on the Super 530D? Did two games today, 4/4 530D phased through the enemy on replay. How is this not fixed yet?

Noticing it on all missiles.

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idk if this has been talked about extensively but as we know 530Ds had their pull heavily restricted in ETA guidance restrictions recently. However as a result of that some interesting behaviors seemed to have come from it, noticeably at relatively close ranges (for a loft) if you manually loft the 530D it will gain a lot of altitude and then fall on its target at an angle often >90 degrees

Which is pretty cool, but I believe a side affect is the missile can be easily avoided at longer ranges since the missile reacts with not enough pull, Ive noticed shots being further than 12-15km missing targets barely maneuvering because they flew off the original path. It feels like the missile is guiding with INS until the end almost as in its barely maneuvering or reacting to targets actions. Is this an issue known by the devs at all?

This reminds me of the lead mode on say the tor m1 the missile isn’t very aggressive going after the target once it gets close it just keeps leading even when it has a straight shot.

So, interesting things to be said here. Magic 1 and Magic 2 missiles have been dealing with a 1.8 seconds fuze delay time this whole time.

@MiG_23M did a good job recently reporting that the:

AIM-9B should have a 2.3 seconds fuze delay

AIM-9D/G/H should have a 1.8 seconds fuze delay

Presumably this would also affect the AIM-9L and AIM-9M because of AIM-9H. Also presumably, Gaijin had these sources that said this, the whole time. So they were content on having AIM-9s be 0.5 seconds fuze delay with Magic missiles having 1.8 seconds fuze delay.

This is about to change.

They’ll either nerf all AIM-9s or they’ll remove Magic 1/2’s ridiculous fuze delay arming time.

But if they remove the Magic missiles fuze delay arm time to avoid nerfing all of the AIM-9s, then they’re hypocrites who were content to let the Magic missiles suffer until the AIM-9s are affected.


This is French TT since they added those planes.

The problem is Global about french TT, … there have been many point on which this kind of treatment were done,… many of us players have reported issues throughout the whole TT.

For myself, they took 2 years to workout 2 linked Bug reports about Etendard IVM,… and i was in discussion through Smin the whole time, to push and translate documents → i had answers on which my translation is different than what the expert have on their side. (I’m a Native french speaker,… and someone is saying that i’m wrong,…)

I don’t know what is the problem, but it is clear to me, that Gaijin never wanted to made France a must have nation.

The other reason behind that statement of mine, is the quality of the French missiles, being gimped for years (and somehow still are, despite many Bug Reports)

The Magic-II have been added with Mirage F.1C last year which was struggling to kill anyone (in comparison to F-14 and MiG-23’s) → now we have IRCCM (on par with R-73, and not AIM-9M → see Bug report of MiG-23M).

We still not have dual plane controls (losing 30% of real abilities of the missile, in turn perfomances)

S.530D until last update were completely useless, now it’s reliable since last change (i got more S.530D Kills on Mirage 2kC since update, than before)


that’s different for me, before the update i got easy kill with 530D, not self explosion or notching
like it was with the 530F befoire gaijin release the 530D and 530F became useless.