Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Its too late to un-report it. Community Bug Reporting System

But the HMS ACM is completely necessary for the MICA EM even if it’s gimped to 9km. Without the ACM aiming, the MICA EM would be very gimped.

The MICA EM is supposed to be a 50G TVC dogfighting missile. Slaving the radar with HMS would account for half of its performance.

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Kay. Fingers crossed it keeps its range.

Unrelated but did you notice the engine is quieter now?
After 5 months I’m extremely glad that they finally reduced the engine volume of the 2000. Now I can actually hear the RWR without my damn ears bleeding

stock grinding the mirage 2000 and its a sad sight knowing the r73 is basically a magic 2 on crack and you can get 6 of them and the 6 x aim9m is eating trough your 36 flares while you get 2 good ir missiles and 2 useless radar ones

Hopefully report on the mirage countermeasures goes through and the -5F gets its 250 CMs with the Eclair-M pod soon

I love the SMT I think only issue is R73s clearly do not have ECCM and need a buff to turn radius

It would be nice if they would stop limiting aoa for missiles and aircraft

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regarding for alpha on the R73. It seems they do have some but at slow speeds. The r73 seem only to high alpha cuts when you fire at stall speed practically any faster the missile acts like you fired a r60 in a dive going 1.12. Its weird.

Aircraft wise I am a strong believer in RB they should implement true unique limitations that a each aircraft has and will lose control if performing high enough alpha. it would make thing soo much realistic and dynamic at the same time highlight the technological advantage that have FBW systems over others who do not.

But at the same time highlighting advantages of non-FBW platforms who are able to throw aircraft in a stall on command and come out of it with a nose on attack position with R73s.

The F16 is increasingly showing its ability to fight as it does and keep energy all day & its true capability is being unlocked every patch. Which is good.

However, as long as we have alpha limitations, Soviet fighters will slowly suffer as their quite literally designed features and capability is hindered by the games effort to make it easier to fly for everyone.


I have 1 source, where Zhuk-ME have ACM lock up to 15km ( on F-16 type targets ). But i don’t think, what i can use this on forum ( but it is freely available )

Does anyone know why the 2000D is missing the thermal imager in CLDP?

The US F4J has it, it’s quite helpful

It’s a bug, uninstall the NVD mod from the aircraft it will be back

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I’m talking about the CLDP module. I didn’t buy the NVD

Did not played 2000D since the patch I’ll try it out this evening

I haven’t played it in a long time either, but I remember that when viewing from the targeting pod (CLDP) there was a thermal imager that helped you find targets. Now it’s been removed, and I don’t understand why :(

Indeed thermal is not working now

It’s bugged as of now, but you can temporarily fix it by removing the NVD modification.

but it’s not even open…


Basically you need to have the modification researched, but not installed for the targeting pod thermal to work.
While it seemingly doesn’t make sense, in a twisted way it eventually does.

Actually my 2000d is fully researched and I tested yesterday with and without nvd installed in test flight I couldn’t turn on the thermal cam

Check if you didn’t leave the test flight in the “Reference” mode, that would automatically reinstall the NVD mod. My 2000D has yet to be spaded, but I’m mostly missing the FM mods as well as a couple of munitions.