Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Real question tho will we see improvements over Mirage 2000 or it’s armament like the Magic 2 IRCCM will be added in order to make it fit better the current air air meta

You french players are so deep in your self victimizing echo chamber, you dont even realize that I’m not “raging” about LGB’s or even saying that France needs some help in some aspects. I’m literally just saying blaming the US community for gaijin not adding an HMS or MAWS to the M2K-5F is idiotic and childish. Its not like everything french is all bad like you guys pretend. This is why nobody wants to interact with the french player community.

Im out of here, keep going with your circlejerk


most of France is pretty held back but besides that i don’t have a problem with what U.S gets its just neglect The reason its so complained about is its been like this for years mirage 3e was all france had out classed for ages next update power crept oh wow finally got the f1c power crept oh wow 2000c power crept and don’t get me started on ground all France has had is an honestly an insult of an ifv as a prem a worse version of a tank we already have and two tds that’s all France has gotten since the s21 came out

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For the record, US mains are not the cause of the issue of France being held back. It is solely Gaijin. I want to make it clear I do not blame any players. I haven’t seen anyone here blame US mains. A lot of US mains want what’s best for France as well.


You’re turning this into an unnecessarily heated discussion because you don’t agree with their opinions and yet… You sit in your own echo chamber of victimization and complaints / rants. Chill out and just focus on something productive instead.

Did anyone notice that since the introduction of stock flare, the M2K Countermeasure dispenser behave differently?

Before the introduction of stock flare, in the mixed CM the aircraft would dispense 2 CM (1 for flare, 1 for chaff). But as of today, the CM would dispense 4 CM behaving like a two CM Dispenser instead of one until it reach 50 which will becoming normal again (dispensing only 2 CM instead of 4).

How are the US deisgned aircraft in the US tree the wrost? I can see it with the Phantoms sure, but the J still worked fine for me. The US air tree is highly competitive at top tier, while it is somewhat unsurprising that a later variant ofa existing aircraft which then was exported years after the original variant went into service in the US would be somewhat superior. Just look at all the F-15 exports while the US was still operating F-15C only now with F-15EX as well as F-21 Viper that pattern changed.

In the 80s - when MiG-29, SU-27, R-27 and R-73 all went into service they were rather dominant to say the least. Makes sense that tehy are portrayed as such in game. Don’t worry there will be the focus on the US at some point again while ‘‘minor nations’’ have to wait though Mirage IIIC and Mirage 2000C were interesting anomalies in that regard.

Just going to point out that it may well be an RWR function since they can distinguish SARH missile Guidance waveforms in addition to regular Track and Scan functions and in fact practically have been able to do so from the beginning with the AN/APR-25 RHAW set.

If its also for IR missiles that would be different but the functionality does / will exist for the F-16.

Someone pointed that out to me on discord yesterday and I’m inclined to agree.

Welp in the end it isn’t really the F16 that is going to make things that harsh for the 2000-5F but the Mig 29 SMT this crap has access to the R73 and R27ET with no AIM9-M for the americans and no upgrade to the Magic 2 man this update sure looks (not) great for the air battles.

We are absolutely done in air rb, finished

France will always be gimped,… because France should never be better than USA // Russia for Gaijin,…

In their minds France couldn’t be better than both Russia and USA,…

even more since Mirage 3C and 3E excelled at being fighters versus F-4’s and MiG-21’s(thanks to a playerbase FAR MORE EXPERIENCED, than those from USA and Russia),

the next aircrafts in line got badly modelized weapons (Super 530F and D, Magic-II) nerfed older ones (Magic-I), and the cherry on top was the Mirage 2000-5F using weapons from Mirage 2000-9 (which was the only one to be able to use such weapons), while missing high quality stuff,…

Now they bring Super-Etendard,… and next update would be Super-Etendard Modernised in order to make us wait for the MICA’s (obviously those 2 aircrafts should have been added far before the Mirage 2000-5F).

The game is currently setting up Modern Fox-3’s,… but from the look of it,… when MICA’s will finally get in the game, Gaijin would have superior counterparts for the other aircrafts,…

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if they keep the 27-ET , MICA IR and Aim-7R should be the next gen missile they add

Well,… you can dream,… this will not happens since Mirage 2000-5F is so gimped already, that having MICA-IR will take 3 more years…

I suspect AIM-9M and AIM-9X to be added before MICA IR

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AIM-9M for sure,… AIM-9X should happen at the same time as the MICA-IR (unless gaijin finally sees that 2x MICA-IR never will have superior Impact than 6x AIM-9M,…)

iris-t will come before mica

Welp better stop playing the game before it gets even worse 4th gen should have brought balance to top tier yet the game has never been so unbalanced and nobody from either the community or the content creators are gonna stand up for this as 80% of community is USSR and US.

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Well ASRAAM might come before that.

ASRAAM is shit tbh i fear the IRIS T way more