Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I’m not gonna shit up this topic too much with this subject. But I will let you know now that the Damocles targeting pod was not intended to be how it is now. It came into the game with a horrible zoom same on Litening, had 1st gen thermals, until I reported the pod altogether. So that reasoning is out of the window. US did get LGBs on the A-6E, so that’s out of the window as well.

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got LGB’s like a year or more after france lmao, and theres tons of bug reports for incorect US things that have major effects on their performance, such as the AIM-54C, AN/AXX-1 TCS, etc… that havent been fixed yet. you are searching for a proof to argue your preconceived notion, instead of looking at evidence and coming at a conclusion.

I already presented my evidence. In fact, I provided an answer that everyone has been wondering why they are skipping all the way to Block 50, and that is to make sure the US is not missing features that otherwise France would only have at top tier in terms of western aircrafts. It’s fine if you don’t believe it. I’m not particularly looking to justify myself to US mains as they largely do not read this thread.

As far as AIM-54C, and etc. The evidence behind those reports aren’t as clear cut as the MAWS as well as HMS for the M2K and they needed more investigation or their reports are relatively too soon to action on. I wouldn’t apply those things to this situation.

And as far as LGBs, US had FnF missiles for a long while, and once it was finally added to France, soon after the US got theirs with LGBs added to top tier with the F-14B.


The other big issue is, if they decide to move F-16C down from Block 50 to something like Block 30 just to keep Sparrow compatability, this would mean removal of MAWS and HMS despite the MAWS being featured in the teaser.

This would also mean that if M2K-5F isn’t added with MAWS when F-16C coincidentally has its MAWS removed (by being downgraded to Block 30), it further provides evidence that the M2K is specifically held back by the US tech tree. Even if MAWS is ready and HMS can be added in a hot minute.

While i do agree with you for most part avout US limiting france additions i’d say the problem os split between US and USSR at the time being because look, the F16C as you said has been added to match current CAS capabilities of the M2K5F but reharding Air to Air it seems russia is the one that leads the dance cuz look their CAS abilities aren’t the best anymore but they have HMD, thrust vectored IRCCM missiles and IOG+DL missiles while even US doesn’t so as far as i investigated gaijin makes sure Russia stays top air to air nation while all other nations are submitted to russians actual air power to get improvements the proof is the R73 on the new mig, this alone should bring Aim9M to the game as well as the true performances of the Magic and 530D but no there won’t be such a thing because russia has to stay Air top one while during the time period of the game they were not coincidence ? I think not unfortunately…

Simple solution they could use and not have revealed for now is appearance of AIM9-M and removal of AIM7 to keep the plane Block 50

I’m not concerned with who is leading in air-to-air, even though I will agree that Russia is the best currently. The fact that the Mig-29 has HMD is not the reason M2K doesn’t. In fact, France regularly gets features that Russia doesn’t, so long as the US does. One example of this is a thermal targeting pod. Those are missing from Russia but not in the US, and consequently France.

The logic Gaijin has currently is,

If US has a feature that Russia doesn’t: France can get it.

If US doesn’t have a feature that Russia does: France can’t get it.

So the limiting factor is the US tech tree.

US mains would like for French players to focus their anger towards the Russian tech tree when it makes zero sense. The French TT should be decoupled from the US in regards to what features it gets or doesn’t get.

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only thing that upsets me is why were these aircraft added before fox 3s come for everyone now everything is just a power crept mess

So the limiting of French TT comes from US which limiting factor comes from USSR i’m sorry but considering there is R73 in game the AIM9M should be here.

From my perspective it’s :
USSR has something advanced → US won’t have it before USSR can assert dominance over them with new weapons and systems → France won’t get the feature because US don’t have it due to the fact USSR has to remain better than US in air to air for no reason because US has more players than USSR

Take that theory and then plug in “thermal targeting pod’” and “MAWS”. Both are features that USSR doesn’t have and the US is getting as evidenced by the teaser, so that theory isn’t true. France is only limited by and solely by the US.

Yeah but this is mostly CAS related except for maws what i’m pointing are only air to air capabilities CAS on its side clearly is limited by US

I’ll have to concede on that.

But I’d rather things be

USSR > France


USSR > US > France

Ideally it wouldn’t require USSR > France but that’ll never happen.

I would like everyone to be angry about blatant imbalance like the R-27ER, R-73A, etc… THATS why im pointing out that Russia is the problem right now.

The US isnt holding you back, you’re delusional and just looking for someone to blame. Smin himself said the F-16C isnt getting an HMS and that the block number isnt final anyways either. Afting like its the US’ fault for France not getting a mechanic not currently implemented in the game on jets is deluisional.

Did you not think that MAYBE the reason France didnt get MAWS is simply because basicly no other nation would have it, seeing as the M2K-5F is just about the newest jet ingame, being comissioned in 1999? You’re fishing for a reason to blame a single nation because you have a clear bias, not because you’re objective.

Its pretty damn clear cut when you have the manufacturer stating a 25G overload and an official congressional hearing stating the missile is equally as capable as other radar guided missiles in dogfight scenarios for the AIM-54, or a completely new digital seeker, as is the smokeless motor. As for things like the AN/AAX-1 TCS on the F-14B, all mechanics to make it work properly already exist ingame, amd the official documentation as to its exact functions, capabilities, even its search/scan patterns have been provided as documentation but not implemented. Its not an issue of “clear cut” and “needing more investigation” its an issue of gaijin picks and choses bugs it fixes willy nilly and everyone has to suffer for it.

France got its first LGB and TGP with the Jaguar A back in September 2020. They then followed up with the M2KD-R1 with a TGP and LGB’s in Dec 2022.

The US didnt get an aircraft with a TGP until the A-7E, added in Oct 2021, and didnt get LGB’s until December 2022 with the A-6E TRAM, a premium. The F-14B, which was the first tech tree jet with both TGP and LGB came in June 2023.

You got a TGP a full year before the US did, you got LGB’s a full 2+ years before the US did, you got tech tree LGB’s 2.5 years before the US did, and you even got a second tech tree jet with a TGP and LGB’s 6 months before the US got their first one. Stop lying.

Gaijin doesnt “hold France back” because of the US, you simply dont get certain mechanics when nobody else ingame would have that mechanic either and gaijin doesnt feel like adding it yet.

Your whole “if the US has it, then France gets it too” doesnt even make any sense, there are 2 US jets with an HMS, the F-4J/S both have it in the form of VTAS, and if gaijin wanted, they could add it to the F-14 as well as it tested VTAS, up to VTAS III extensively.

Not much point arguing with a french main in a french thread at the end of the day since you’ll all just gang up on me xD


Yes because US mains which yuou seem to be a part of, like to complain a lot while your aircrafts are quite competitive while some other nations just face pure struggle and have to deal with it even though hundreads of reports has been made. Plus yeah US had to wait to get TGP but France had to wait approximately the same ammount of time to get GPS/TV guided weapons, France had to wait more than any other nation to get CW missiles, France had to wait more than any other nation to get PD radar. So to me it seems US still have some BIG advantages and privileges over France. PLUS LMAO you said Mirage 2K5F is most recent aircraft no J8F is and regarding M2K5F it has been added for the sole purpose of integrating a FOX3 platform and provide an all aspect PD that US had, again, before us. So stop whining while these types of addition are only made so that some nations can keep up with the major ones.

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but but but but cas but cas want to say something about leclerc but but but france best cas im so sick of hearing about cas like it means anything

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Me too i’d like to stop hearing about CAS most planes are used for Air to Air fight in Air battles and in terms of Air to Air US is clearly not the most disadvantaged. CAS is a more than micro part of what planes are used for. Plus due to appearance of Pantsir what is CAS anyway? Being able to launch two bombs that won’t hit before eating a 95Ya6 LMAO CAS will mean a thing when GPS and perfromant fire and forget armament will be added to the game Like AASM, JDAM and stuff.


the fact that a mirage made strictly for almost only air to air use and is the best cas in the game should be a problem itself

However, US had FnF AGM’s and bombs,… largely compensating the need for LGB in which France was only capable to have that specific tool for CAS.

Raging over some LGB/AGM doesn’t make it for the fact that Gaijin Blatantly added the Mirage 2000-5F with NEARLY NONE of the real feature of the IRL one in France,… (it’s currently more gimped than R2Y2’s)

French Mirage 2000-5F add access to some LGB, but none from the isrealian compagnies,… and the Mirage 2000-5F never used Super 530F (retired before introduction of Mirage 2000-5F) even the Super 530D is inaccurate, as those missiles were no longer in high number within the forces, and were only kept for remaining Mirage 2000-C5-S1 and 2.

So please how can you not see that France is always coming after anyone else (same was for Mirage 3C then 3E, then Mirage F.1C “Last 3rd gen added” which never seen actual fair combat as 2 months later F-14A was added to the game).

Gaijin do develop the game around US and USSR and only those,… as you seems to think that you’re the one with truth,… while in the end this situation just is an extension of previous 3/4 years

Well me it doesn’t bother me that much as it allows for not needing to add another Mirage 2000 variant we could say that even if this is unrealistic it saves space and gives some still interesting features to a plane that should have been useless if not for its “fake” air to ground capabilities for the moment.