Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

If it had more explosive weight, would it simply not be able to just overpressure everything?

The 12km range limits the effectiveness of the zoom and thermal generation. Allowing it to look at 50km+ would benefit it greatly.

Teammate nameplates massively reduces the workload necessary to identify hostile vehicles. Map memorization such as learning the potential routes enemies are coming from, or where they may be (such as enemy spawn) already does this sort of job for you. If they removed the range limit for Damocles and removed teammate nameplates, I’d be inclined to agree with you but that isn’t the case at this point in time.

The Damocles has a 20km laser range while viewing through the pod. If you are lazing a point of interest you can use it beyond 30km with LGB… Just FYI

In-game, vehicles do not render in until 12km for Damocles. Devs are aware of this and said they do not intend to fix this as there are “other priorities”

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Actually F-16C Block 50 from USAF could be equipped another targeting pod such as LANTIRN AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod or AN/AAQ-28(V)2 Litening II+ or AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP)

I guess F-16C Block 50 carry AGM-65G and GBU-31/GBU-38 JDAM

25kg of HE is still enough to be in the class of “guaranteed destruction radius” weapons like bombs, and as your report states, the change will give it an AP warhead to go along with the 25kg HE as well, id take that over the garbage 50kg HEAT warhead on the mav as is ingame rn any day.

At 12km, targets in the LITENING II pod look like small white blobs.
LITENING II at 860m max zoom:

LITENING II at 12km max zoom:

DAMOCLES at 13km max zoom:

The difference is literally night and day, you go from being unable to tell the difference between if a vehicle is dead or alive, to being able to tell the exact model of tank you’re looking at. You’re downplaying the DAMOCLES so much. Its better at 13km than the LITENING II is at sub 1km ffs.

Identify as in figure out if the vehicle is dead or alive and what vehicle it is, not if its friend or foe. Theres also other gamemodes than RB that DONT have nameplates if you really wanna stick on that argument


LITENING in WT uses gen 2 or 2.5 thermals, and is perfectly clear.
Damocles uses gen 3 thermals.

Why do you even bother commenting if you’re just going to lie? Not only do I have visual evidence posted, but the LITENING II in-game has a thermals resolution of 500x300, which is gen 1 thermals in-game, and is higher resolution than it has irl (320x256) which is gaijins reasoning for not giving it gen 3 thermals ingame (because gaijin models thermal imager generations by resolution instead of function)

Just gonna stick your account on ignore at this point

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There’s no lie. Cause I’m comparing it to other things.
We can call it gen 1.5 then.
& ignoring French-vehicle players cause they state something you sort-of disagree with is a toxic idea.

Asked Smin, seems like a decision hasn’t been made yet.


This a photo of a real Mirage 2000-5F posted by the French Air Force which shows it carrying 4 Mica EM missiles and 2 Mica IR missiles, now I understand that we cannot add these missiles in game at the moment for balancing reasons but we could at least give the Mirage 2000-5F 6 missile slots and buff the magic 2’s to 45G or 50G’s which is how many it can pull in real life, plus it can reach an AOA of 20° and I think that that can be added in game once R73’s come to fighter jets like Mig 29 but you can add the 6 missile slot right now.

Gaijin already replied on the 50G by two times saying there isn’t sources stating Magic2 lateral 50G capability and then when some people of the thread repported the fact the missile permanently use dual plane to achieve 50G when it pulls in X and Y axis they said they do not have enough documentation about that while people used many officila sources and reports but gaijin treats each and every nation equally apprently now our last hope is the addition of the IRCCM.
Regarding 6 missiles loadout STOP DREAMING Mirage never ever was able to carry 6 missiles except for when it carried the 4 MICA on central points.
Only thing we can hope is to have a “fake” loadout with 8 missiles when MICAs are added because there is currently a report being treated by gaijin about a 4x Magic2 loadout which may make the plane able to carry 4x MICA EM 4x Magic 2 in the future if gijin is nice enough.

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Block 50 can carry four GBU-24 and even a new undisclosed type of LGB. Wonder what that is, Paveway IV? Concrete LGB with a lower cost would be awesome too

Either way Mirage needs two GBU 24s and BGL 1000

It’s amazing how little they’ve done since Apex predator. You’d think they’ve been on holiday the entire time or something. Simple bugs like every SPAA’s radar not folding have gone unfixed for 3 months Community Bug Reporting System. Just ludicrous

I guess gimping the sh out of them before adding Pantsir wasn’t enough, they also had to make sure that SAM/spaa like Ito, Flakrad and Otomatic are much harder to hide from CAS and tanks too

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Radar missiles are also borderline in their worst state ever atm, with them prefering to target other missiles than aircrafts coming straight at you, causing sure kills to end up being a missile wasted.

I dont understand how they keep breaking radar missiles honestly. They had them working fine prior to the AIM-7F being added, then they nerfed the crap out of them, spent 10 months with them in that horrible condition where they would kill teammates all the time because their speed gates were increase by 10-15x, and now they once again cant reliably hit anything.

Hmm that just crossed my mind now but why did gaijin introduced Mirage 2000-5F with 530D while they could have made a 4 magics 2 payload and gave the Magic 2 lateral 50G or IRCCM like they did with J8F no Fox1 but the quite powerful python 3.
I already have some answers like:
4x Magic → no report at the time i believe
No 50G → because IRL not achieved in lateral
530D → hasn’t been equiped but radar is able to illuminate target to shoot them not like J8F.
No IRCCM → Why?
Still they could have made that choice, it would have made the plane a little bit harder to play but deadlier.

This dev season has made it apparent to me that the ceiling for France is US aircrafts.

Mirage 2000-5F was reported missing its HMS, TWS PD on the RDY, and MAWS.

Gaijin is going at breakneck speed to try and add F-16 Block 50 with APG-68 just so the US would have MAWS, HMS, and TWS PD mode even if it might mean the F-16 Block 50 couldn’t use Sparrows.

Further, the new teaser shows F-16 having MAWS even though US F-16s never equipped them with MAWS (Israel possibly did). Anything they can do to make sure France doesn’t have a unique feature over the US.

Mig-29 already has HMS and TWS PD, so Russian tech tree isn’t the reason for France being held back in aviation.



TF are you complaining about the US for when theres literally a teaser where the MiG-29 with R-27ER’s and R-73’s murders an F-16?

“tHe cEiLiNg fOr fRaNcE iS tHe uS” meanwhile russia/germany have the best jets ingame, Russia is getting an EVEN BETTER jet, the US is getting a jet which, by gaijins own admission is basicly just an F-16ADF with additional ground strike options, and every other nation ingame currently have better F-16’s than the US ones…

Was it not enough for you that france has the best ground attacker ingame by FAR?

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I don’t really care if they buff other aircrafts so long as the planes I work on aren’t being limited. However, if the planes that I main are being limited/gimped by a certain tech tree, then I am not going to be happy about that. Trying to redirect anger towards Russia when they’re not the reason for France being gimped is absurd.

As far as I see it, they didn’t limit the Mirage 2000-5Fs CAS capabilities even if Mig-29 functionally had none.

But now they’re limiting the Mirage 2000-5Fs air-to-air capabilities just because US didn’t have the same capabilities. Western aircrafts should not be throttled down to meet the common denominator of the US.


French planes arent being limited by US planes ffs, this is just some absurd conclusion you drew out of your clear anti-american bias. if that was true, you wouldnt have gotten things like the DAMOCLES TGP, or LGB’s before the US. Don’t blame mechanics gaijin hasnt added yet on the US, its idiotic.

The US operates the worst version of its own aircraft ingame (F-16ADF) and has to pick and choose between ground attack or sparrow, all while getting a worse radar and less CM’s and you say other western aircrafts are being limited by the US?

They literally couldve just added a newer F-16 earlier to the US with multirole capabilities and better avionics and CM suite, but they didnt. You’re literally blaming the victim of gaijins decisions for your jet not being even better. Its childish and illogical.