Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I only pointed out that is not an issue usually which translates to not being seen as an issue by developers since certain additions happened in the past.

Personally I’d argue that the situation would not be much worse than it is on A-10 or SU-25 with AIM-9L, R-60M or AIM-9M and R-73.

Br should still be increased for those vehicles certainly in air matches.

RMV in air battle shouldn’t be higher than the current R-1 model

imo it should be 1 br step above as it carries HMD, but r1 should be moved down a step aswell, as next update it will get its a2a radar removed. IMHO:

Air RB:
M2K D-R1 12.3>12.0
M2K D RMV 12.3

Air SB
M2K D-R1 12.3>12.0
M2K D RMV 12.7

HMD can be found even at 12.0, what makes you think it should be 1br higher.

What a funny claim.

the thing is that the mirage 2000d is not a platform like the su 25 or a10s where even the panes that face them a full br down are actually kinematically superior so they can dictate how to aproach does planes with superior ir missile.

because its literally the same plane for air 2 air, but with hmd? which mind you is not that useless if you have magic 2’s.

One additional gimmick doesnt justify 1 br increase.

I think he meant as ‘one-step br increase’ 0.3, which is reasoable.


In that case my bad for misunderstanding, thats reasonable.

Yes, this is what i meant, i even said it twice


I have a problem where my brain doesnt recognize certain things from time to time and focus on less important things, in this case it didnt recognized your sheets but rather focused on your words and that caused misunderstanding.

As i’ve said my bad, sorry for that.


You are underestimating A-10 and SU-25.

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Just found out from pages 52 and page 57 of Operational Roles, Aircrew Systems and Human Factors in Future High Performance Aircraft that Mirage 2000 C HDD would show the Mach and closure speed of the tracked target under PSID mode (TWS HDN in-game), which means the RDI radar would perform velocity searching (FM-ranging) in PSID mode (TWS HDN in-game).

Given that game developer stated:

“This(minimum range of 5000 m) is given for HPRF mode without FM-ranging (velocity search mode). With(out) FM-ranging additional limitations may present like for other radars with HPRF with(out) FM-ranging, for which these limitations are known.”

The Thomson-CSF RDI 5000 m HPRF minimum range limit on TWS HDN mode should be lifted.

I have also reported it already. You can find it here!


They wont be added in the real life configuration (look at the Magic 2)
Yes it’s absolutely time for strike aircraft that do not have access to ARHM to receive upgraded IR missiles.

ASRAAM, IRIS-T and MICA-IR that F-15E and Su-34 has you dead to rights and all you have for self defence 2 short range IR missiles.

Gaijin will have to add these sytems at some point why not use the slower less capable strike aircraft to test them. 50 and 60 mile range is perfect conditions at perfect altitudes. We all know an ASRAAM or MICA-IR would handle ingame like an R-27T and a Magic 2/R-73


Why no testing them on the slower Attack aircrafts? Because it’s the stupidest idea ever and this mistake still lingers in the form of A10s and SU25s that either get destroyed because they get uptiered or ruin eveything by slinging all aspects missiles at flareless planes. This phenomenon will be even worse withh IIR missile because IIR missile will put the attack aircrafts at very high BR where they will get sniped by ARH missiles and if gaijin somehow uses the excuse of the “bad airframe” to put them in a low BR they’ll have 2-4 free kills this is impossible to balance.
If you think gaijin will make a joke out of IIR missiles you are a fool IIR seekers are already in game and are unflarable the only thing that make the IIR missiles in game seem bad atm is just the fact they are only present on slow ATGMs or AGMs. If the IIR seeker as they are coded in game were to be put un fast and agile missiles they’d just be a mass destruction weapon a free kill so to say with the MICA and ASRAAM having a medium range capacity at that making them even more dangerous than the other ones.
And your claim about ASRAAM or MICA IR handling like Magic 2/R73/R27T is pure disbelief and stupidity. R27and Magic 2 have no TVC making them less uselful than R73 and when compared to MICA EM, R73 is a joke MICA is a monster at close ranges so it’ll be completely borken with an IIR seeker and missiles of the same class such as AIM9X/IRIS-T/AAM5/PL10 that can pull even more at the cost of range will be free kills in short ranges.
There is NOTHING good about IIR missiles which is why Gaijin is always avoiding the subject.


You are once again equating real life performance to ingame performance.
In game a long range IR missile will act like a current long range IR missile the close range performance would likely act like a Magic 2 pulling 40-50G
Gaijin do not add weapon systems that perform like their realistic counter parts. The AIM-120 has a NEZ in game you can chaff it from 4km away!

These aircraft the Tornado, Mirage are already going to face other strike aircraft with missiles that have 30km range. Giving a Tornado a barely supersonic airframe an ASRAAM is giving it the potential for 2 kills against airframes that can kinematically defeat the missile. and if they get close enough and try to dogfight they deserve to die to an ASRAAM or MICA ER

Your hyperbole and over reaction is the reason we still dont have a Rafale or a Typhoon but we have an F-15E with greater thrust, RADAR and 8 AIM-120s

These systems have to come to the game


LMAO bro you are just smoking bad weed at this point.
First : You compare thrust vectoring missiles and 2 plane missiles(that can’t even use it properly as it’s not implemented) this is foolishness. TVC missiles (except for R73) all pull 50G or more with the ability to make 90° or more turns right on launch this isn’t comparable at all and gaijin will surely not limit all TVC missiles to 50G because in files there is already the python 4 than can already pull 70G when it gets to use dual plane maneuverability.
Second : On ARH missiles they could reduce resistance to chaffs because it’s part of the missile parameters for IIR seekers the missiles will be using a detailed image of the aircraft they track in this case it is impossible they’ll take the bait on a fire ball when they track the IR signature of a whole plane and this is already coded in game.
Third : F15E or SU34 are not pure strike aircraft they are multi purpose aircrafts and are at the highest BRs while tornado is 12.3 and RMV is 12.7 and honestly F15E or SU34 are not even superior to the planes they can face it’s always a story of uptiers and downtiers it’s how the game play if you are unhappy about that leave the game.
Fourth : ARH missiles are already a mess even with the nerfed NEZ and you want them to make ARH missiles realistic ? Might as well make the game unplayable at this point.
Fifth : The reason why we don’t have a Rafale or Typhoon atm is because they would make the F/A18 look like crap so Gaijin can’t add them until they added F/A 18 in game this is due to their own misorganisation regarding vehicles addition.
Sixth : Even with a low missile count Rafale and EFT airframes will be superior to any other airframe there is in game until TVC nozzles for jet engines are introduced. Meaning they will have way more ease at evading missiles and playing defensive. F15 or F/A 18 won’t have the same chance especially for the F/A18 if loaded with 10-12 missiles that will make it a whale.

Your reactions and demands are the reason this game is more and more rushed and unplayable, you are the embodiment of the average warthunder playerbase that alway want more because they feel they are in an unfair position without looking at the general state of the game.

  1. These will be flarable they are flarable in the real world. You will just have to work harder to flare them.

  2. These systems should be lethal. Avoiding ARHM at close ranges is not realistic

  3. They are not but the Tornado and Mirage will face them and have no way to counter them. They are at the BR a free kill.

  4. Sorry but the F-15C MSIP is already equal to a Tranche 1 Typhoon. Of course it will only carry 6 miasiles compared to the F-15s 10.
    Rafale is similar first generation Rafale is arguably weaker excluding its flight model.
    F/A-18 will be nice but it doesnt help Britain or France.

F-15E and the Israeli variant will be the best jets in game.

Every update we see more and more capable US and Russian jets added…But AngloFrench players wanting their better jets and weapon systems is everything wrong with the game…

The US will have an F-22 before Gaijin decides the games ready for the Euro Canards.


Before making any statement you should check if they are valid. F-15 Carries 8 missile.



It requires peculiar systems called smart flares or towed decoys and gaijin didn’t even started working on those.

if you want 1:1 realism go play DCS WT is meant to be a game you can enjoy despite the facct the game is completely fucked in some areas.

Fly low, keep an eye on your RWR, use your massive ammount of CMs. Any player should be able to do these things as they are the basics of easy survival in top tier.

False F15C can get slapped by a fair ammount of jets in game and so will the F15E/I and later the F/A 18 they’ll have to rely on massive use of ARH missiles but by flying low or being aware of aerial situation you can easily make them waste their missiles.

Typical whining, the game have always been that way if you don’t like it uninstall.

Eurocanards are already known to be coming next year while the only thing known about F22 is that it is being worked on but F22 will never be added until jamming/active stealth and proper ECM suites are introduced to the game. Because ECM/Jaming/Active stealth is the only counterpart there exists to passive stealth.

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Your counter points:

Play another game, uninstall.

Fly low…that doesnt work and hasnt worked the missiles now just splash the ground and cripple you or hit you.

F-15 will have to rely on its missiles…wow really?
Guess we dont need to give the Typhoon or Rafale missiles they can just wipe them out with their cannon! The game isnt 1v1 the other 12 F-15/F-16 have missiles too.

Smart flares arent new the concept of multispectral counter measures has been in development since 2003.

Oh yes ECM and TRD the Tornado would love that.