Well,GBU48/50+IIR PGM.
5 PGM500 if u dont equip tpod and gunpod.
If it is effecitvely IIR PGM that is introduced it might be a crossbreed between how AASM would be mounted on the 2000 airframe but with PGMs because AASM is too strong according to gaijin.
Nice compensation. Still not incredible if it remains 13.7 but if they down it to 13.0-12.7 it’d be a good plane. Both for ARB and GRB. The thing i don’t understand is why allowing PGM on TGP and Gunpod but not on the back pylons
Don’t worry about FM there is people that have everything needed to make the Rafale FM in WT almost 1:1 to real life. I said almost 1:1 because WT lacks systems and physics that would make the FM 1:1.
From Datamines, sending in cause somebody didnt saw
It’s ridiculous that the ARB is increasing the BR by 0.3 even though it’s the same air-to-air preset as the R1.
so no MICA IR I guess haha
Anyone got any images if these rear pylons can carry guided weapons, they can’t in game but I’ve heard they can irl
Not the D but still:
They can’t, only the front ones can. And even if they can, some sources claim that the front right one can’t (the one with the targeting pod).
Nope, it is the paint scheme of the Mk82 used in France. They never used any JDAM or guided 500lbs bombs looking like it
The white tail is designate the air bust capability of the bomb
You’re telling me this is just a regular dumb bomb? You can clearly see the JDAM front attachment
It is an air bust Mk82 without any guidance. And no, you don’t see the JDAM attachment, you see a little bulb in the front to detect the altitude for the air bust
The exact name is Samp Mk82 DSU33 or Mk82 EP
I stand corrected then
It’s a regular dumb bomb but modernised (the only objective of it is to have the same bomb body for everyone and for it to be compatible with every guidance kit).
They were tried in France and a contract was made for this bomb to be the main dumb bomb and to be usable with the AASM kit on the Rafale
I dont know why there are still no twin bomb racks for guided bombs on the wing(for RMV)
I think they didn’t make them because they usually equip drop tanks.