Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Changes to the MICA are coming (not yet live) in

  • Drag coefficient: 1.85 → 1.65
  • Max fin AoA: 30.11° → 31.62°
  • Max fin lateral acceleration: 55.37 → 61.09
  • Distance from CM to stab: 0.135 → 0.175
  • PID proportional term: 0.0036 → 0.0031
  • PID integral term: 0.032 → 0.0255
  • PID derivative term: 0.00005 → 0.0002
  • Added timetable correction
  • Range timetables changed

Datamined from Gszabi

Looks like an overall buff


Can you link the full datamine list?
nevermind i found Gzabi’s datamine site.

They not gonna change the explosive charge ?

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The explosive mass is accurate as far as i’m concerned. The thing MICA EM lacks is the fact this should be a directionnal warhead meaning the explosive/blast would always point towards the plane it aims for… thus leading to maximum damage output with minimum explosive.

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This change is now live along with the other changes to other missiles

time for some MICA fun

I don’t know if this is luck, but I’m having very good game with the 5F after this MICA buff, 3/4 kills per game

How does the MICA perform at long range now?

At low altitude when target flies towards you 20-25km (missiles flight range ~10-12km). It’s to fast lose speed

still wiggles a lot

Why gaijin cannot solve this is beyond me. Same with R-73, wiggles like crazy causing insane speed bleed

French mains please enlighten me, is the mirage 3C without flares but 2 magic and 1 R530 at 10.0 worth playing now?

İ want the 2000F and planning to talisman that mirage or the F-8.

I have the mirage f1c and Milan but those are horrible

How does the mirage 2000 feel after the FM changes?

Mirage 3c is not the best it is okish at his br no clue with new br change, i guess his br should be more enjoyable still no flare can be really annoying.

Mirage f1c was really good used it to grind the two others mirage 2000 to some degree when you are with only magic 1 at start can be painful but after even in full uptier playing with friends at a br he shouldn’t be i still killed with it, it should still be excellent with br change.

Well, I played the F1C (as it’s my only high tier jet with Talisman to grind the new line), and I have to say I was decently surprised.

  • first I want to mentioned I have not played in the new br changes as I have not played for 2 weeks (I am actually having fun playing other games lol)
  • Bringing 2 Magic 2s plus full bomb load
  • Flying low, in the middle of friendlies, bombing a base if I can
  • Then going for A2A, using primary guns and Magic 2s if in a pickle

I have to say I had a lot of fun. The FM and (previous) BR placement of the F1C, being outside of top tier range (and facing few up tiers at the time, once again I don’t know if this changed since I am on a break), the F1C is actually decent. I found myself winning most dogfights against F5Cs, Mig23 (granted, those were ML wallet warriors for the most part), by just drying them out of their energy. To do that, I kept a large slight climbing spiral at about 800kph, and most other aircrafts trying to follow me and cut in my turn loose their energy before they can align a good shot (can deal with 2 or even 3 opponents, even if fully defensive, until teammates come to help). Then when they are sitting still in the air, I just reversed them for easy gun kills.
The magic 2s are also very satisfying, and the nose authority of the F1C (at medium to high speed, forget controllability under 400kph) helps not only for missile aiming but also gun kills. All in all, if I could chose, I’d take the M2K S5, but since I only got a F1C talisman (and for those using the premium one), that’s actually a decent grinder as of now.
Without premium, with a talisman, I often get 15K RP for bombing a base and getting 3-4 kills (not a constant, but happened often enough to be note worthy)

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I might not agreed with everything you said in other threads, but I’m not a person bad enough to not intervene. DO NOT TALISMAN THE F8. THIS THING IS A PIECE OF CR**. Everything is better than this. Even the vautours at 9.0 are better grinders.

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lol, it looked good with 2X MAGIC and 2 R530 at 10.0. Why?

FM is, okay. It does not have flares. Radar is pretty bad. Guns shoot rubber bullets. Wings are made of paper or something
The lack of flares and only having 2 missiles is what kills this plane.
It’s not really fast. If you try to evade missiles, you’ll rip you wings. Basically anything with 15+G missile is a death trap for the French F8. which is basically the entire 10.0+ list of vehicles you’ll face in a regular match


The Mirage F-1 is terrible because of the SARH missiles that get 1 tap chaffed as well, so time to play Milan and bomb I guess


Mirage F1 is probably the best grinder in the French tech tree, and one of the best in game as of now. Just use the 2 magic 2s, and if you feel fancy, bring the other 2 IR missiles. Don’t bother with SARH missiles unless in sim. Or take a full bomb load and destroy 1 and a half base with 2 magic 2s to spare.
The plane is also pretty good in air to air engagement and can fight even in dogfights. I’d go even further and say I’d prefer the F1C over a Mig 23, despite having less missiles. Managing the energy of the mirage well, you can energy trap many, if not most aircrafts at your battle rating.

Milan is also very good, although I don’t have it, it’s actually at a pretty decent BR despite not having flares.
Then, the Mirage 5f is pretty okay, and I’d say the Belgium one with flare might be a pretty good grinder as well, although, not having it unlocked yet, I can’t be to sure about this


Milan basically outspeeds anything to go bombing in it’s matchmakings but as the First iterations of Mirage IV your bombing trip is a one way trip to your demise and then retry.