Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Nah even if they went the route of large caliber, which they partially did, there are still a lot of problem.
The current model is historically accurate and has both large and medium CM size, as well as 112 dedicated chaff slots, for a total of 206 CMs.
It would be possible to only have large caliber flares, but even then it should be no less than 64 (8*8) large flares and 112 chaff
The other issue is the fact that the CMs are now dropping 2 by 2, which shouldn’t be the case. 64 large flares that fire in single drops would be more than enough.
Thanks to @xef56 for providing the image


May be firing 2 by 2 but my CM counter says it’s more like 20 lol

I have noticed that the M2K is now a really heavy girl after the update, especially at high alt maps like Afghanistan.

Not sure what you mean. Depending on the speed it’s either slightly less nimble or much more nimble than the previous patch. 8 missiles loadout doesn’t help it though.

Playing Afghanistan on Sim with 25mins fuel and 7 missiles and I was outmanoeuvred by an AV-8B, after bleeding speed in the turns to keep up it just had no acceleration to get that nimbleness back, this was only at 2000m.

If you had 25 min of fuel im not surprised that is an unbelievable amount to fight with its sim i understand you need the fuel but that is a heavy mirage for sure mixed with 7 missiles especially.

Didn’t help that the engagement happened right after take off, I’d dropped the pod already but still had all the internal. Pre-update though I had no issues with that amount of fuel, didn’t think the missiles would make such a difference

the parasite drag is pretty bad since we doubled our missile load

Mirage 2000s wrong flares release pattern



Pointed out to me by sniperwhg, RDY radar should soon be able to guide 4 missiles simultaneously instead of 2 only currently.


Edit: Change is now live


Guys is it me or Mirage2K’s roll rate has been nerfed significantly?

It rolls like a fatass bomber without ordinance at certain speeds.

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Are the mica good. I barely see anyone use them

they are good at close range the bvr is gimped like crazy and are a quite buggy off the rail but still one of the best arh

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Yes, I remember it being in the datamine

How many bars is the TWS search supposed to be?

Its a 4 bar scan irl if that’s what you’re asking


But why? Mirage2K suppose to have really good roll rate even with ordinance.

F-16C with full Aim-120 loadout rolls much better, Mirage2K looks like bus compare to Viper.

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How am I supposed to fly the Mirage in top tier now?

Can’t seem to get MICA to hit shit no matter what the conditions of launch are

You must be doing something wrong then.

My MICA’s have quite succesful ratio when it comes to killing enemies, even managed to get 30-40km shots on right conditions.

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How the hell does the MAW work in the game? Is it watching for smoke trails only? what is the range of the cameras? It feels less than useless since it will just go off for no reason. Not sure if its really helped in any situation so far