Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

On the 2000-5f is anyone else having problem with chaff were it says i have 46 but i can’t fire any ?


Yes, I recently tested it too, it only fire 1 chaff and then you can’t fire chaff anymore wtf

exactly i have the same problem on the 2000c-s5 too

man why did they fuck this up? it was perfectly fine before, less flares and can’t even fire them now pffff


Man, I feel this is one the most unfinished updates they ever released.

Everyone’s counter measures are fucked in an update that focuses mainly on missile combat.
They fixed the wobble on the MICA, but the bloody thing still has half the range it’s supposed to have.
They weren’t even capable of fixing the diameter when every document ever states 160mm.

It’s just weird how this dev server was one of the longest we ever had, yet it feels like they barely fixed anything at all.

It’s straight up less playable than the dev…


M2K chaff report:


Added more content in comment
the pic is the exact amount it should actually have

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Yes, thank you. Looks like at least the visual model is historically accurate

I saw the hotfix come up today, but things still feel off with some of the chaff/flares on all of the Mirages. There’s not a great indicator between the large caliber and small caliber boxes on the countermeasure pods in the menu starting all the way back at the 3E (this also includes things like the Super Etendard) so you have to check and do the math of what slider is for what dispenser, it still seems that the dedicated chaff dispensers (Spirale?) on the D-R1, C-S5, and -5F still don’t work, and the Eclair-M is also missing CMs for both the theoretical loadouts and visual model as shown in game. What a shame.




So what kind of range should you be firing MICAs at? AMRAAMs are still getting the drop on me.

out of instinct im treating them like 530Ds and they seem to be fine but i imagine you can launch them further

Yeah, my only real successes have been shots off of a lock (not TWS) while within ten kilometres.

I almost never launch mine in tws cause i find hmd acm to be more reliable, but ive hit a few launches from ~20km

i dont use them at bvr at all just notch and defend until i get within 19km and try to catch people off guard with HOBSs

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Don’t be afraid to fire them all off on enemies going high or separated from the group and then land to rearm.

Then when you head in with full armament bring a little less fuel to rejoin the fight.

If your team died, you’re more poised near the airfield to defend and still win.

I really like how good they are in a tail chase as well. Like I got nice shots on ennemies going away from me above Mach, at ranges of 6-7 kms with only a couple km of altitude advantage

i got 40km kills a few time firing them at 8km or plus alt
but generally i find 30km to work pretty great (again at alt)

I believe a second hotfix came through, and I think the dedicated chaff is finally working. But going off of the visual model, it is still missing some (64?) of the dedicated chaff in the Spirale ICDs and 30 (?) small caliber CMs from the Eclair-M if my math is correct. No change or label to the very unintuitive loadout menu when distributing between the large and small CMs.


I guess they really debuff the countermeasure count due to M2K now have Large Calibre Countermeasure, this is the same treatment as the Mirage F1 countermeasure count. IRONICALLY, Jaguar never got its countermeasure debuffed despite share the same pod as Mirage F1.