Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

is the 60m multipath thing relative or not, have been hugging the ground at around 30m alt and still getting killed. would not surprise me if gaijin set it to 60 without realizing that some maps are the ground is like 300m + above sea level.

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Multipath already accounts for ground level, with multipath reduced by 1/2 you have significantly less time of travel where the missile lost you due to proximity with the ground.

Essentially, the missile even when flying straight after losing track of you is still on a collision course… skimming is no longer sufficient. You need to fly low, notch, and possibly even use CM’s now.

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ah okay that makes sense

Did you mean horizontal?(When the jet is horizontal/ in level flight)

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Nope, vertical launch

" Le RDY peut détecter 24 cibles, en suivre huit et engager quatre cibles à la fois"
Detect 24, follow 8, engage 4

And Flares/Chaffs aren’t made historically to bug reports,…

Currently in-game we have half chaffs, and 24 Light Caliber IRCM,…

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We have max 60-70 CM, which is like nearly 1/4 of what we should have (total of 256 CM)

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Go read the linked bug report.

As the Flare amount depends on Caliber, on which Gaijin pushed through the heavy caliber to minimize the effect of Top Tier IRCCM systems.

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That’s sad but I shouldn’t be surprised. I guess things could change with pods like BOZ or Sycomor that have dedicated chaff in addition to modular boxes. It is mentioned in the bug report that now since those drops are separated they can work on it, and they also mentioned something similar for ~1200 pieces of chaff on the Tornados from another thread. Thread started on June 11.

Oh it’s a bug? i was freaking out, i have 66cm max

Is anyone else firing 14 flares at a time instead of the normal 2? It’s happening on other jets to but can bleed the Mirage in about 3 salvos.

Yes, the whole situation regarding the countermeasures makes the aircraft unplayable for me at this moment in time until they fix it.

Better play the premium Yak-3 for now, I’m excited to see a 9.0 Dutch Hunter F.6 got introduced, while Britain sitting with with Hunter F.1 at 9.0 eversince the introduce.

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Also, did some more testing. MICA EM’s wobble is fixed in test flight and custom testing. But it still wobbles in public matches.

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My guess, if they fix this incorrect countermeasure pieces, they will prioritize the aircraft which really affected by the bug first rather than buffing aircraft that would absolutely impact its peformance in live match.

Maybe around the next BR Changes the Tornado GR.1 would get a 1200 chaff (?) because if Tornado GR.1 got it, then every Tornado IDS would also receive them, which will really impact how Tornado IDS player play when it will be introduced.

Oh I’m sure the countermeasure bug that’s plaguing most top tier right now is their priority, but as that’s an acknowledged problem in my mind I separated it from the ‘balance changes’ of dedicated countermeasure dispensers in the future from this update. I more brought it up to see if anyone had noticed or remembered, and to maybe get more eyes on it since they are on record saying it would come once they separated out the countermeasures.

Of course, I don’t try to be wishful thinking here, but afaik they only promise the seperate CM in the Roadmap, they don’t say explicitly that the CM also will be more detailed, but from what I read the mods giving explanation of more detailed countermeasure can be considered once if seperate countermeasure has been introduced, which is just now in recent patch.

Yeah I just saw, on old screenshots of the bug report TrickZZter said: “For now we have done it for the main emitters, when the separation mechanics will be implemented, then we will fix it.” But now it has been amended and says: “The report has been converted into a suggestion for a time being.”

Only God knows what and when will Gaijin decide to change the definition of balance. What I feared most is when will they implement those bonus RP for grinding other country with a top tier vehicle, it’s literally being postponed and postponed again.

Yeah exactly. I mean right now it’s pretty damn impossible to play the Mirage when grinding out MICAs. With the mulipathing changes paired with the countermeasure bug there is no way to really fly defensively at the moment.