Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Yes Bobby, yes


Probably soon will also get its BR nerfed to 11.7 due to Mirage 2000C will be increased to 12.0 at the next BR Changes.

12.0 with MAWS and four Magic 2. Why not

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Yeah I thought it was straight buff because in before patch, it had 252 small calibre CM. And I was wrong.

Of course, it’s still will be the best 12.0. Gonna enjoy it position in 11.7 before it got up to 12.0 lol.

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Yes, it’s already reported and acknowledged. Just Gaijin being lazy.

RDY radar should have 4 radio-correction channels. // Gaijin.net // Issues


Where my 112 internal chaffs?(


@Smin1080p Have the reports for the countermeasures of Mirage 2000s been concluded? It currently has LESS countermeasures than before, when it was supposed to get more. I don’t get why they touched the countermeasures at all if they weren’t going to conclude it at one time. Can we see a hotfix for this? Having very few countermeasures is very painful. I’d prefer they reverted the changes until the reports have been concluded.


It seems to be a bug with the new split countermeasures system which affects nearly every aircraft with them.


Has it resulted in less amount of CMs for other aircrafts? I know this bug was present in the few days before the end of the dev server.

happens to helicopters aswell

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F-16,F-15,Mig-29SMT and F-14B are fine.

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The Harrier GR.7 went from 700 to about 60. So the Mirage really isn’t that bad in comparison.


Well, here’s to hoping that they get going on the fixes then.

It’s a general bug with CMs, not just the Mirage.


well yes all theses planes are lovely, but they are all Rank 7 material, not rank 8, except fort the Mirage MF2000 but this one carry the MICA and i’m not expecting to see a premium with Fox 3 anytime soon ^^

So here’s a summary of what’s going on as I understand it…

  • Mirage 2000C-S5, Mirage 2000D, and Mirage 2000-5F now get MAWS.

  • Countermeasures are bugged, nothing we can do about it, not a Mirage situation.

  • MICA EM spins out a lot less now, it’s able to do some close range shots that wasn’t achievable on dev server. Doesn’t seem to wobble in test flight, but it does in matches.

  • Guidance delay was reduced from around 0.3 seconds to 0.15 seconds, making it even more capable in close range shots.

  • The loft on MICA EM had went from 25 degrees to 5 degrees or so. Previously on dev server, the MICA EM in a vertical launch situation would loft properly to hit targets at 20km. I will have to retest this with the new loft change.



Given the fact it made it to the live server, I made another bug report about the situation of the Mirage 2000 in arcade, aka “boat” : Community Bug Reporting System


Hey not sure if there is a better thread to bring it up but since the Mirage 4000 errors thread seemingly can’t be talked in anymore; now that countermeasures are independent has there been any word on the Mirage 4K getting its Sycomor pods modeled correctly having a combined total of 448 countermeasures (112 large caliber flares and 336 chaff), instead of just 112 total? Link to bug report.


The new systems are bugged, not sure if it’s worth asking for this report to be implemented until they fix the current bugs. Mirage 2000s have less CMs than they had before. If the Mirage 4000 was affected, it would have less CMs now too.