Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources


Now sustain turn is mostly correct, instantaneous turn is too low and was reported as well the instructor that is too restrictive with the new FM.


Alright but is this datamine already live since yesterday on dev serv or is that a new change that will be upgtaded ?

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Dev server yesterday.

Alright thanks

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Just some updates…

Flight model - The Mirage 2000’s flight model was definitely changed. A lot of people experienced what they believed to be the flight model having nerfed turn rate at medium and high speeds, when that isn’t the case. Testing done by an independent flight-model dataminer RideR2 through his spreadsheet shows that the turn rate was nerfed at below Mach 0.45 and above Mach 0.45 shows a buff to turn rate as developers said they would model. The problem is that the turn rate buffs above Mach 0.45 (550km/h) along with the restrictive flight instructor made it difficult to turn, compressing in certain situations to where at high speeds, you could not pull more than 7-8Gs, and would be gaining speed in turns. Report was made on this. The sustain rate did get nerfed at low speeds below 550km/h, however instantaneous rate at low speeds is underperforming as Zayf noted. Stall speed performance will also be looked at again.

What datamine shows is that the Oswald’s line was reduced. But other changes also occurred, which is that drag was reduced at speeds above Mach 0.3 in order to allow for the appropriate changes to be made.

RideR2’s spreadsheet for sustained turn rates of flight models can be found here: Sustained turn rate tests - War Thunder - Google Spreadsheets

Radars - The radar is bugged. It has trouble locking onto targets heading towards it using HMD, and sometimes locks chaff instead of the target through the HMD. Both behaviors will be reported. The radar sometimes can lock onto different targets through TWS than the one that had been designated. This will also be reported.

MICA EM - Some reports have been done on this. Only one remains so far. However, the biggest issues are the game bugs and not the historical performance. I am going to be making a dev server thread addressing the issues of wobbling and instability of the MICA missile. Given that the issues are bugs, hopefully higher priorities can be made for it. I hope to get atleast 50 likes for the thread even though the thread is going to be a bit late into dev server.


It’s problems all TVC missile many years, sraam first, and r-73, that’s not unique mica problem


Yeah, it’s been a persistent issue for years, and I’m not sure if the MICA should deal with this for several years as well.

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Before I make the thread, I want to give everyone a chance to say their piece on this issue. Should we ask for MICA EM to have its thrust vectoring turned off until Gaijin fixes the TVC system? Thrust vectoring turned off would not allow it to hit certain crazy shots, but it would also be a lot more consistent in its results.

  • It would still be 50G
  • TVC off would make it more reliable for BVR
  • TVC off would prevent it from making crazy shots

Here’s an example of MICA EM with thrust vectoring on and off.

Should MICA EM have its thrust vectoring left alone until Gaijin fixes it or turned off?

  • Leave TVC on
  • Turn off TVC
0 voters
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I remember the R-73 having different “stages” when launched during its rework on a dev server and I think they should do that with the MICA here aswell.

In my experiencing using them, they become more stable as the MICA’s go faster so I think restricting the TVC at its initial launch and gradually allowing it to TVC more over 1-3 seconds would benefit it.

It’s just an idea and would need to be tested but I think it may work well for the MICA, a middle ground instead of turning off TVC all together and leaving it unstable as it is.


I was wondering if they would implement something like you said, either time based or something of that sort, but usually TVC is necessary in the very beginning of flight at close ranges but definitely something should be done.

Currently, democracy voted “No” for turning off TVC for MICA EM and I’ll hopefully be making a dev server thread soon.

i would suggest a limit to angle of attack at the first few sec (maybe less than 1) of launch , this would help MICA gain speed and avoid stalling and flat spinning.
you would be able to do it using codes from AIM-7C or AIM7D , i think they either use G limiter or AOA limiter for the first few seconds

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What I am wondering is if gaijin can tune a TVC gimbal limit for different speeds, as TVC seems to be unstable at specific speeds

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TVC is the main advantage of the Mica for short and medium range and it’s where it is mostly used, so if turned off it would loose its power

I had some cases of wooble in bvr, but when launching for bvr perfectly straight i got kill up to 20-25km pretty easily, I don’t think others fox-3 can achieve a lot longer bvr kills

For me the main concerns are :

  • sensitive to chaff (i was following a plane at 3km, i launched a mica the thing has done a 180° turn to catch a chaff, i think i have the video)
  • sometimes at short distance the Mica won’t follow the radar and choose another target freely (enemy or allie) while i still have a solid lock on the initial locked plane.

Most of my issue comes down to the RDY bugging out and now allowing me to lock in head-on or most cases tb would have secured far far more kills if it didnt take so long to work.


I’m definitely against deactivating TVC, in my experience the bugs don’t really have an impact on normal RB gameplay that maximizes PK.

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Is MICA feeling as bad as I think it is feeling? Seems to go for chaff without fail, wobbles itself out of the sky, and often just fails to track properly assuming the 2 previous issues don’t happen. This seems to fail most commonly in the short range, the missile seems relatively capable in the long range outside the chaff weirdness.

I haven’t managed to get a mate onto the dev server to properly test though. Unsure if I am just launching badly or if it this weirdness is present.

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Devserver is not final

We also know that MICA-EM max range should be 80km and not 50km as claimed by the devserver

I hope Devs will give the MICA a final Flight model that would be normal to that kind of flight ability:

Yeah this is the official videos about the Test of Link-16 lock and shoot of a MICA, using 2 Rafale:
One being the “prey”
Another giving information through Link-16 (unseen on video)

The MICA was to be fired to ennemy going behind you/being behind you, and does a “180° turn” in order to do that.

Note that the C22 drone, was trying to out maneuver the missile that MICA corrected it’s trajectory onto it.


Hopefully we get this.

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Well maybe not the Link-16 thing, even if have some idea to have this in game.
(Like only having Link-16 lock in ability through your squadmates and not from the others, when having compatible aircrafts)
Note that Mirage 2000-5F(mk1) is also having Link-16, throught the “Vi” standard which is the last one in date

But atleast get the control quality (no wobbling) for the missile.


The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed - Dev Server Seek & Destroy / General Discussion - Dev Server - War Thunder — official forum