Yet you attacked right away,… with 0 knowledge of AD3633?
i just stated he has poor knowledge on European stuff
not that he was wrong on this case
I can assure you he knows his stuff. The way people see him the way they see him is just because he dared talk to people that didn’t wan’t to hear that the plane they love is actually not broken but average performing to average+ performing and he did that for many aircrafts and weapons even American weapons. So people who tell he is not knowledgeable just classified him as such because he reality checked them with more advanced sources than the BIAS sources you can find on the net. Because… Yet again… He has good sources. The only plane i saw him have a true hate for is the Typhoon he absolutely hates Typhoon. But even when he hates it he actually uses rationnal arguments and charts to justify why he hates it and the people that wank to it so afaik, he’s far from as bad as some of the players of WT that gather in groups and venerate one plane in particular gathering falses sources sometimes and then hating on everybody when they get proved wrong. But that’s anotehr story.
To sum up, there is no peculiar reasons to hate on him he contributed to a great ammount of changes that allowed for european nations to be better.
Yeah i’ve seen that
fair enough
We know the sensitivity of the seeker should be similar to AIM-9L in regards to lock-on range based on the available sources. It scans like an IRST does, but that doesn’t mean the range is further just because it scans.
So many people called him a Russian shill / West hater in the gripen thread. Many of the so called western MAİNS are delusional and fragile.
Whenever I say something and MİG-23M tells me I’m wrong I just agree and go on with my life, instead of telling him you are a “xx shill”/“XX hater biased”
He has demonstrated he has knowledge many times, so I just think that I was probably wrong, and read his explanation.
Well,… at least the Magic-2 is currently able to lock onto people up to 5km, in best conditions.(and not 3km like at introduction in the game,…)
In that part the game finally reached what I’ve found on my side and bug reported it, early on:
But anyway,…
Many things were copied from AIM-9L since that was the best documentation available (at the time) for seeker performance. They determined it should have similar performance, and this is true… but only to a certain extent of course.
Then we must also consider the lock-on ranges in-game as stated by stat card are for MiG-15 in test flight type targets for all and rear aspect ranges.
Was this said by officials somewhere?
I am not able to sit at my PC currently, however Gaijin / tech mods stated as such in the past.
I remember Stepanovich saying this on old forums.
I remember this aswell, it was a MiG-15 going at ~800kmph (I think) at sea level or something like that.
kinda weird to check on a MiG-15 (1948) for modern missiles such as Magic-2 (1986).
despite having 45x MiG-15(of various variants) still in service within KPAF (North Korea), it is clearly outdated,…
It was like this ever since supersonic jets + AAM Missiles were added.
At the time (December 2018) it was just AIM-9B’s and R-3S’ mounted on the F-100 and MiG-19 respectively. So it made more sense.
(This was before afterburners actually had an effect on the aircraft’s heat signatures, this feature was added around when the MiG-21MF/SMT were added)
I suppose they just didn’t decide to change it after more than half a decade.
I guess thats the baseline of which they chose to compare and measure the performance of the seekers ever since.
Just remembering this makes me feel old.
Edit: Upon further contemplation, they could’ve chosen the MiG-17, F-86, Hunter, CL-13 or any other jet at the time. I guess they spun a wheel or for some reason, chose the MiG-15 in those specific flight conditions.
They still model the missiles based on known detection ranges of various targets, but the stat card is displayed for MiG-15 type as that is still used for test flight targets.
The R-23/24T for example was fixed when F-16s were added to be able to lock them at the correct ranges.
What’s there not to hate about that horrendous aircraft tho
It’s not chinese.