Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

The lack of HMD is noticeable but is not as all deceicive a factor as you make it out to be.
What you need for top tier gameplay is as many missiles with as high a efficiency as possible - in this regard Mirage 4000 comes well equipped.

i guess we just disagree from my pov the lack of one just makes majority of my games not even firing missiles because i am rarely in range due to how long it takes to shoot magics the WEZ on magics is dreadful already making every second aiming all the more painful and risky

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You likely have to adjust your playstyle. SU-27 can get away with firing R-73 in every diretion while turnign and burning Mirage 4000 does not. SU-27 is the better plane of course but if you do not play Mirage 4000 as you would a SU-27 you should do better immediately.

I’m interested with your claim, how do you play Mirage 4000? I’m usually play it almost like Mirage 2000 by groundhugging and staying high speed avoiding stalling, but it’s just infuriating to launch Magic 2 because it’s either the seeker being too long to warm up just like @Macekeeks or the Magic 2 simply can’t reach its target from around 2km rear aspect due to most aircraft now (from my experience) can outrun Magic 2 especially like F-15.

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the reason i don’t have an issue with any other aircraft is the 5f can fire sooner a and the cs5/4 fight much slower aircraft with less countermeasures

Sorry to bother you but any chances we’ll likely see Magic 2 changes this update? Been awhile since we got any news on it. @k_stepanovich

From what I can tell, it is missing a slew of changes:
Dual plane maneuverability for 50G
Seeker shut-off mechanism
Guidance delay of 0.2 seconds
Reduced IFOV
Reduced fuze delay
Reaching max maneuverability at Mach 1.2


Also some proxy fuze time reduction and smaller IFOV of arround 0.4° of IFOV.

I included reduced IFOV, but from what I can tell, there isn’t any report on the proxy fuze delay just yet.

It was stated that the fuze delay has to be reduced. The magic 1 already offered 1.2s delay as an option and the Magic 2 was meant to improve upon this.

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Thanks, included in the list.

I believe it was sniperwhg who calculated an IFOV of 0.46, but at that point, they might just round it up to 0.5 like some of the manpads.

I’m not expecting any improvements for France anymore tbh… Buffing magic2 would mean an increase of BR for the 2000c’s, F1’s as well. I think Gaijin is satisfied with the situation currently and won’t touch anything anymore.

I’m not sure they have much of a choice the only next option is mica ir and well i dont have to say anything for you to know that’s a bad idea i would imagine they would just call it magic mk2 so the magics on existing aircraft except maybe the 5f dont need to be touched

I don’t see how that is a problem. If magic 2’s are more competetive that is a good thing, so the br should indeed go up if they decide so.

Not sure look at AAM 3 on F15J it’s a very good missile probably the best in game but the plane remains 12.3. It’s a combination between armament efficiency and the potential of the platform with upgraded Magic 2s the Mirage F1 could be moved 11.7 but not higher due to it’s shit RWR(For F1C and F1C-200), and bad radar as well as it’s inferior flight perfs compared to any other plane higher than 11.7 BR plane.

then it should probably go down with magic 1s if its so bad it has to crutch on 2 missiles it shouldn’t be this high with those weapons fighting f15s and france does need 11.0s

Imo they are not obliged to resort to that there is 2 or 3 planes that could make it in 11.0 like SEM with Magic 2s and EXOCET in the future, the F8P, a Later version of Jaguar, Mirage IIING or EX. There is solutions, honestly if they adressed F1s top speed problems/structural speed limits Mirage F1 would be able to get fast enough to disengage from situations thus making them viable even in 11.7. In fact structural limit speed of all Mirages should be adressed but here we are.


@DirectSupport do you know if there ever was a report made about the radar scan rate for the RDI and RDY radars? Both of them take the same amount of time to scan a 120 degree arc and a 60 degree arc, at ~1.15-1.2 seconds. The 120 degree scan should take roughly double the time of the 60 degree scan, no?

You might think that but apparently radars are more sophisicated than that and might prioritize dwell times in 30/60 degree scan, hence taking up the same amount of time as the 120 degree scan, so it doesn’t appear to be that clear cut.

In essence you want to avoid situation in which you rely on HMD. Keep your speed where possible and Magic 2 should have enough reach. I usually struggle with the flare resistance mostly.

Sometimes you have to get slow of course but you can certainly try to fly fast on the side at low altitude as you said or even medium altitude, depending on positioning.

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