Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

A mirage 2000S4/S5 can take on an harrier with active radar missiles. You’re saying that the mirage still should be less battle rating than a “supposed” 12.0, yet if it can reliably counter an harrier of 12.0 and other 12.0’s, then your argument is non sense.

To 12.7?

Yes, if they further decompress the BR.

But if it comes without more decompression, they will sit 12.0-12.3

You 2 should just admit being wrong. Its a basic emotional skill that people of our age contain. Logical fallacies aren’t gonna cut it. Ignorance isn’t gonna cut it. Bias isn’t gonna cut it.

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The harriers have a crap ton of CM, F-18 radar, Aim-9Ms and Aim-120s.

Your little S4 is going to be outgunned, outranged with a small pinch of the CM the Harriers have.

We are just going to raise the BR for your S4 bro, you are doing too good in it.
68% winrate is absurd. You must be stopped.

I admit that the 2000 is a great jet. But compressing them at top tier is not going to solve anything.

the Mirage 2000 S4 is literally the best thing to happen to you in WT (based on your stats) and yet you are so quick throw away what GJ has given you.

These are the benefits of the harrier. But the S4&S5 can reliably exploit the weakness of the harrier which is forcing a dogfight or a rear irccm missile shot due to harrier low speed, additionally the aim-120’s can be countered by flying low and notching + hard maneuvering while aim-9m’s are countermeasure dependant.
The mirage 2000 S4 is able to force a kill against the harrier in a wider variety of situations, especially one of those that are common at top tier like tail chase irccm shots while harrier can’t force a kill against the mirage using tail chase missile shots because it can’t catch a mirage based on speed.
A mirage can in most situations force a kill against harrier while harrier has to exploit mistakes of a mirage. Therefore the 9M is not as considerable of threat as the magic 2.

Ofcourse the harrier is going to retain some capacity against the Mirages which is exactly a thing that should be so of aircraft that are both 12.0 You both have capacity against each other.

You basically cant get kills with both missiles in same scenario, why do you keep throwing bs claims?

Not as stupid as your arguments tbh.

Skill issue, gid gud.

Any evidence to back it up? Let me guess you dont have it.

İ also fired countless R27ER’s to enemy plane that didnt tried to dodge properly yet my missiles missed, so buff for R27ER when?

Exactly, anyone who has skill issue will die to both missiles regardless of the situation.

Thanks for proving my point.

İf you’re in a position where you cant dodge SARH missiles then it will not matter if its R27ER or Aim-7M.

Another personal claim without evidence cause accırding to my experience Aim-7M works much better then Super530D and considering i have more experience on Mirage families then you my claim should be the true one, right?


Safe to say you debunked nothing but showed us how clueless you are when it comes to high tier gameplay but go on keep thinking like that if thats whats gonna make you happy.

Never did it once, in fact i stated 2 times that R27ER has superior flight performance compare to Aim-7M.

Calling my arguments stupid while not being able to argue against them without using logical fallacies or ignorance is cringe.

Saying “skill issue” as your argument is also stupid. A clear majority of radar missile kills come from exploiting a skill issue, because your missiles arent effective in a notch. Therefore if you can exploit situations where a kill is possible with one missile but not with another, that other missile is worse.
Understand that missile efficiency comes from comparing the situations where one missile can kill their target yet the another one can’t. Evaluating performance of missiles in notch is irrelevant because you cant kill players in notch with either missile. Again, since your kills come from exploiting a skill issue you are going to analyze the missile’s capability of kill players in situations where a kill is possible.

They are not stupid; they are just based in flying one event Mirage and doing sort of ok in it.

“flying on one event mirage”
Again this is proof of confirmation bias. You’re ignoring everything that i have said that disproves your view. I have provided Seasoned and reasonable arguments that you haven’t been able to counter with any logic therefore you to ignore the arguments that you can’t counter is ignorance and your opinion is based on bias.

Only with 4 Magic 2

Only the 5F gets 4x unless they added more and I missed that.

Radar missiles of 530D are effective in battles therefore they are going to be included in evaluaton of battle rating. Additionally the S4 can’t carry 4x magic 2. Even then, that does not matter because you aren’t replacing the additional effect of 530D with a magic 2, you are just settling for the magic 2’s effect.
They are both equal of 12.0, however your loadout defines what kind of situations you can engage in.

Except i did it countless times yet you kept ignoring, safe to say another skill issue from you.

5F already does have 4 Magic-2 options.

I am not biased I have every nation, and love them equally.

I am trying to get you to see how your position is rooted in only playing a single jet for a short time during its release and biggest hype. Where it is currently oversaturating the BR and causing instability.

People will stop playing it and your winrate will return to its average. This is something that always happens when a new jet comes and everyone has it.

You cannot reasonably play a jet for a short time, declare it go up in BR and also anything that looks like it that you never flown before. Based entirely on… a 68% win rate…

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Very good point.

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I didn’t ignore anything. I took your “notching” argument into account, told you why its invalid (because radar missile kills aren’t done in notch and you evaluate performance of missile in situations that result in the kill of hostile aircraft) and you haven’t had any real counter argument other than “skill issue”. This isn’t a valid counter arguement and it is pretty obvious that you can’t counter argue against anything. You can only blame of me being ignorant even though i reply to every single point you make with a seasoned counter argument.

Since your opinion of the mirage 2000 being 11.7 is based on words “skill issue” and ignorance, i think your opinion can’t be taken seriously in this war thunder post.

Your bias can exist despite having all nations unlocked.

Except my position is rooted on factual performance of airframe and its weapons in my arguments instead of sole personal experience. Your claim otherwise is ignorance.

The reason new jets have strong battle rating is because they are top of the line jets that don’t have any jets above them in battle rating. This isn’t the issue with mirages as of right now.

Your ignorance again is showing because you ignored every fact based argument where i have proved you wrong that includes facts about missile performance that you can read on statcard, force kill zones and IRCCM application

It’s pretty obvious that both of you like the mirage 2000 as an airframe and like playing it, you have exceptional KD ratios and you would be unhappy if the BR went from 11.7 to 12.0
You have bias because of your emotional liking of the airframe. Most people don’t like seeing a plane that they like go up in BR wether its performing too well or not. In fact you probably don’t give a shit about wether it performs too well or not, you just want it to be 11.7 because thats favorable.

And where is your proper counter argument except talking about theoritical situations and claims without any backup? Safe to say your argument points are also irrevelant.

Actually its based on my personal experience and general performance records on Thunderskill, not to mention i have both S5 and 5F and played with them countless times against top tier planes(which im still doing with 5F) i can easily say that your opinion shouldnt matter anything in this case.

This is the premise of your argument.

A 68% win rate is too good in your opinion and must go up. Not just the S4 but also another jet you never played.

If you want to make an argument about the S4, have at it. But no one was crying about the S5 until everyone got the S4.

You are trying to raise the BR of one aircraft and use that as a pretext to raise another in which you never flown. But you want to call us bias?


As i Said before if he’s personal experience should be the only factor then J35XS should be 13.0 in this case.

Cause my personal J35XS performance is much better then his Mirage2000 S4 despite bein inferior plane in almost every category.

Any sane person can see how stupid is that argument.

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The situations are not “theoretical”, they are real situations that happen during the battle and you can easily verify this by trying to dodge a 530D and 7M in same conditions where a kill is permitted for 530D but not for 7M. The fact that you can confirm what i said ingame makes them factually bulletproof.

Your personal experience shows you having exceptional KD ratio in the mirage therefore there is no indication of the mirage 2000 being “average” for 11.7. It is definetly and absolutely strong.

Wrong. You are choosing this as my premise of my argument because you can claim “your data bad” against it. You are ignoring my primary argument that is based on facts because you can’t defeat a fact.
Infact i choose what is the premise of my argument. Lets scrap the winrate argument. There, i don’t care.
Argue against my fact based arguments if you can :), its the only arguments you can argue against right now.

This is because the mirage S5 is technically superior in all ways to S4 therefore there is no fact based reason for it to be below something that is inferior lmao
Again, this is a fact based argument S5 is a full upgrade of S4 and fact based comparison of capabilities prove that there is no capability of S5 that makes it worse than S4 therefore it shouldn’t be below S4 in br. Again, your argument is as if the S4 should be raised but S5 not shows your emotional bias and liking towards the S5 because you want a better aircraft to be less in BR.

I dont need to fly the S5 to conclude based on facts that the S5 is not worse than S4 in capability relevant to battlerating, lmao. your quality of arguments is lame.

There, this is proof that the difference between S4 and S5 is the fact that S5 has 60% more countermeasures than S4 and it is otherwise same
Any objection to this is ignorance and further proof of ignorance and bias which neither of you lack