Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

mirage 2000’s forcekill ability at 11.7 is unmatched when also taking into account other qualities of the aircraft. Even if another platform had the IR forcekill ability of 11.7, they would not have the radar missile forcekill ability of what mirage has.
These both systems together combined give you higher battle effectiveness than just one in total.

Not even close.

Yet Python missiles lacks any sort of IRCCM capabilites which makes them pretty easy to dodge.

Cause you didnt showed me single reason, you kept claiming how Mirage is overperforming and how every user does have really high win rates and overall scores with zero evidence to back it up.

İ wonder where did those 70 percent win rates and amazing service records come from, cause surely it doesnt represent any reality.

Mig23ML-MLA and MLD laughs pretty hard.

Fine, we will just raise the BR of the Mirage S4 only.

Its the only jet screwing up the BR.

Happy? Lol why not?
You never flew the S5 or any other French jet.

Lets jet raise the BR for the S4. We do not need to “fill” anything. The S5 had no issues until everyone and their mother jumped into the S4.

So why must the S5 go up too?

I just wanted to share my cool screenshot and result with Mirage-2000 lol.

Here is a picture of my new puppy so you guys can hopefully chill out


Very cute


He keeps bringing his personal records and claiming how other Mirage S4 users perform similiar while in reality it doesnt even come close.

İ remember when Mirage S4 was spammed hard i was carrying those players 9/10 times in my Su-27 or Gripen.

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Your “1 month statistics” don’t represent reality.
If you want to look at the statistics, you are going to look at the statistics of players currently playing the mirage 2000c S4 and looking at their winrates and comparing that to their skill level and amount of matches played. thunderskill does not take this into account therefore it is compeletely irrelevant.

[quote=“Panther2995, post:2842, topic:1931”]
Yet Python missiles lacks any sort of IRCCM capabilites which makes them pretty easy to dodge.

Then the kfir does not match mirage in any way and should not be anywhere NEAR the mirage 2000. I assumed that when you were talking about the kfir being “equal or better” you were talking from truth but it seems that this comes from cherrypicked statistics and not overall performance of aircraft which is used to calculate BR.
Therefore regarding this, 11.3 and mirage being 12.0 is completely reasonable.

Because we had bunch of noobs in S4 that deflate the winrate and performance of the mirage. Also, the su-27 and gripen are 12.7, so ofcourse you are going to be the one carrying the mirage. Your argument in that case is invalid because it is expected behavior, even if mirage 2000 was 12.0

Yet you couldnt even bring single evidence to back this claim up, Meanwhile thunderskill shows how Mirage S4 users performed on last month and its clear that those records doesnt even come close to your claims.

Yet it performs similiar or better in flight performance department while lacking similiar firepower capabilites thats why it sits at 11.3 instead of 11.7 but according to you its undertiered.

İts not considering there are S5 and 5F models that sits at 12.0-12.3 br range while bein better then S4.


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When S4 was spammed both planes wasnt even 12.7, nice try tho.

Sure cause the only person who makes valid points is you right?

This is becoming more and more funny with every new reply.

“you couldn’t bring single evidence” i evaluated the winrates from 30 matches personally and they were within 60-70% on average
If you don’t believe i dont care.
I already invalidated thunderskil because they don’t take user skill into account nor do they take research progress of aircraft into account.

“flight performance”, yes the kfir has similar flight performance to the mirage 2000 but it does not have radar missile forcekill capability and it does not have ir missiel forcekill capability therefore in a real battle, the kfir is has a hugely smaller effect of power compared to a mirage 2000.

S5 and S4 can be same br because a difference in flares does not warrant a BR bump. also, S5 is 11.7 and 5F is deservably 12.3 due to ground kill capability

Gaijin is planning but has not modeled the difference in ground rb and air rb capability therefore any argument regarding air rb br of 5F is irrelevant and invalid because the br of that plane is based on ground attack

You haven’t counter argued anything i said other than “you have no evidence”

Only reason I am tripping is because time and time again a great vehicle comes to WT. Literally a free event vehicle and people want to complain it’s too good. GJ will listen and screw up that vehicle forever and no one plays it.

People want to micromanage the game when a new vehicle just came out. Let the hype die before we go increasing its BR and even other jets are not even causing the problem.

Now people like @simbadumba who do not even play the French tech tree wants the S5 to go up and it did not even have anything to do with this instability.

Think it’s a little unreasonable.

bump from 11.7 to 12.0 does not screw up the vehicle. It simply means that 10.7 don’t need to face something with a forcekill capability both radar and ir missile wise.

Bro active missiles are coming to the game for many jets.

they will sit at 12.0-12.7

You got to think of this in the long term and bigger picture

I play the S4 and the S4 & S5 should go up. If your only argument is “you dont play tree”, then i can say that your bias is showing because you would want your tree to be as under tiered as possible so you can have the most fun in battles. Therefore you can be quiet regarding the argument wether someone plays the tree or not. You have emotional attachment to the french tree while i do not.